Chapter 24

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"The Clone War?" Anakin asks, still trying to fully process what we had just heard.

Obi Wan had explained to us the basis of the war. The Republic is fighting against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, or the Separatists as he called them for short. The Separatists comprise a government formed by thousands of systems from the Mid Rim to the Outer Rim that have broken away from the Galactic Republic. The very people responsible for the events on Geonosis.

We, as the Republic, would be fighting alongside clone troopers to battle the annoying droids we had encountered not so long ago. On the plus side, I did enjoy slicing up those irritating clankers.

"I'm afraid so, my Padawan." Obi Wan says with exhaustion.

He explained how Jedi Knights, Masters, and Padawans alike would be fighting in the war alongside soldiers. This isn't right. We're keepers of the peace not the bearers of destruction and violence. How could the Council willingly send untrained Padawans into war? It's not Jedi training, it's suicide.

"Why is the Council allowing this? It goes against everything we stand for as Jedi." I voice my opinion although it may not be wise to do so.

"I know, (Y/N). Unfortunately there's nothing any of us can do." He sighs.

War. The word floods my mind. I knew it was coming. I knew this would be our reality after we returned from Naboo. I guess I still wasn't prepared for it.

"Obi Wan?" Master Ti's voice enters the room.

I didn't realise why she was here, but I assumed it couldn't mean anything good.

"Ah, Master Ti." Obi Wan lets out a sigh of relief, contradicting my previous assumption.

"(Y/N), I'm glad to see you are back." She says bluntly. I can't tell if she is disappointed by my decision to see Obi Wan before her or not.

"It's good to see you, Master." I respond kindly.

"May I speak to you for a moment?" She asks Obi Wan.

He nods eagerly and heads out to the hall with her, leaving Anakin and I alone in an empty room located near the Council chambers.

"This isn't good." Anakin connects with me.

"It's wrong." I say little emotion backing my words.

"Maybe, but a little action never hurt anybody."

His mind is a surging perplexity.

"It's hurt a lot of people, actually." I say aloud without meaning to do so.

"Probably not my smartest choice of words." He laughs at himself.

Master Ti and Obi Wan re-enter the room not a moment too soon. They are radiating energy of hope and pride rather than sorrow or anxiety, indicating their conversation was not about the war.

"Anakin, (Y/N), we have a meeting with the Council to attend." Obi Wan announces.

I exchange a confused glance with Anakin. It seems neither of us know what this is about. Regardless, we willingly follow Obi Wan and Master Ti through the Temple. I'm expecting a scolding of some kind. I have received a few of those in my time as a Padawan and I imagine Anakin has received far more.

We reach the Council chambers rather quickly. Obi Wan and Master Ti offer us a faint smile before following us through the doors. The room was pitch black but it wasn't empty. I could feel the presence of the Council members surrounding us. Why they were hiding in the dark, I could not say.

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