Chapter 71

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After a few more rotations, the battle at Ringo Vinda was finally won. Rex came back to aid us with the victory while Fives was asked to remain on Kamino. In that time since a lot has happened.

Tup died on Kamino as a result of his condition. He was not stabilising, however, it was a decision made by Fives that cost him his life. Apparently, my friend removed an inhibitor chip implanted in Tup's head, believing the chip to be part of some sort of conspiracy.

The Kaminoans supposedly claimed Fives was misled about the information, but he convinced Master Ti to allow him to present his case here on Coruscant today. My Master has known him since he was a cadet, so I'm not surprised that she trusted him so willingly.

Thoughts about what could happen today begin to rush through my mind as I lay in the comfort of mine and Anakin's bed. On one hand, things could go very well for Fives, and he could prove this conspiracy he believes. On the other, he could be accused of treason. There is a very fine line, and I am concerned about it.

"You okay?" Anakin asks, seeming to have just woken up.

I roll over so I am facing him. Even though his eyes are barely open and his hair is a complete mess, he still looks perfect.

"Yes," I confirm. "I just hope things go well for Fives."

"They will don't worry about that."

Anakin leans across the bed and plants a light kiss on my cheek. He does this every morning, yet the gesture never fails to give me butterflies. 

"We should probably get up." I suggest.

"Can't we just stay in bed a little longer?" Anakin pouts.

Just as I am about to give in to the request, the wrist com resting on my nightstand starts buzzing, indicating that someone wishes to contact me. I raise an eyebrow at Anakin, eager to know if he has any idea who it may be. By the confused expression on his face, I know he is as clueless as I am. 

I press the activation button and wait for a response from the person on the other end of the transmission. I can't explain why, but I have a feeling that whatever they say will not be good.

"(Y/N)?" An unexpected voice says over my wrist com. "(Y/N), come in."

I know this voice, and by the urgency in their tone, I know something is wrong. Part of me doesn't want to answer the message, for I don't wish to know what they have to say. The more powerful, reasonable side of me knows I do not have a choice.

"Master Ti, is everything alright?" I ask.

There's a pause before she answers me again. "I'm afraid not. Contact Skywalker and come to the war room. We have much to discuss."

She ends the transmission abruptly, confirming my suspicion that something is wrong. For her to require the presence of both of us in the war room, things must be serious.

"That was odd." Anakin states.

"No, that was unsettling." I pause as I climb out of bed. "Get changed, we have to go."

We quickly change into our Jedi robes and prepare for what is to come. I feel anxious as we depart from the quarters we now share– something just isn't right.  

Anakin and I meet Master Ti in the war room as discussed. She is standing around the holotable in the middle, along with the holograms of Master's Windu, Yoda, and Plo. The fact that they are all present for this meeting makes me feel sick with worry.

"What's going on, Master?" I ask, not willing to waste time. 

"There's something you must see. I must inform you that it is quite distressing." Master Ti warns.

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