15-Thank the gods

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23 years ago....

After Drystan was dragged away the docters arrived. They told Maria to leave and let then do their job and take care of the king.

She refused to leave. The blood on her hands had dried.

The docters worked as fast as they could to stitch up the wound.

They didn't know if he would make it or not.

In the dungeons the event spread like wildfire. Some prisoners congratulated him others said they would kill him. He smirked at the thought.

Everyone in the kingdom thought the king would die. If he were to die the kingdom wouldn't last a week.

The docters stitched up the wound. They told Maria they couldn't know if he was going to wake up considering how much blood he lost.

"Thank you docters." Her voice was raspy and dry. Most likely from the crying and screaming. Her hands were shaking and more tears streamed down her face.

Lisa walked up to the broken queen and took her in her arms.

"He is strong my queen." That only made Maria cry more.

Her own son. Her own flesh and blood did this. She was furious at him.

"I have to go see him." She broke from Lisa's grasp.

"My queen is that wise?"

"He is my son. I dont care if it is." The queen was demanding the guards to stay at her husband's side until she returned.

The queen washed up. The water was stained red, which only made her angrier.

She changed dresses putting on a navy blue and gold dress and put on the crown once more.

Two guards accompanied her down to the dungeons.

Drystan heard the clicking of heels and smiled.

"Hello mother." He greeted.

"Son." She coldly responded. The chains on his ankles moved with him as he stood to meet her eyes.

In those eyes there was no remorse. No sadness. She could see how he was proud of his actions.

"Why would you do that? All you had to do was walk away and you wouldn't be here." She gestured to the cell. He chuckled darkly.

"Becasue, seeing his blood pool around him was a release. He deserved it. I could've walked away. Thats true. But, where's the fun in that?"

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