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Finding where Obsidian went was easy since he was tall. He was leaning against a wall looking at the floor. His curls fell in front of him.

"Plan?" Lita announced her self to him. He looked up.

"We draw her out, bring her to the back and then kill her." Lita slowly nodded.

"Am I bait?" He shook her head. He stepped closer to her.

"No your not darling." His lips brushed her ear as he spoke.  Then he walked away. Lita had to regain her breathing.

Seeing as Lita was still carrying the basket of food around she went to the register and payed for everything, before walking out side.

The boys were all leaning against the car waiting for her. Lita walked past them and opened the trunk and out the food in the cooler and kept the rest in the bags.

"Ok so princess you stay here." Colby told her.

"Are we sure she's a hunter?" She asked.

"99 percent sure." Lita rolled her eyes as Colby smirked at her.

"Let's just draw her to the back. I'm coming with. I won't watch you kill her, but I'll watch you catch her." Colby nodded and started to walk away. The rest followed after him.


As they walked towards the back she started to follow. She was going right into the trap. Good.

When they met the end Lita turned to look at the girl.

"You here to kill me? Because your doing a shit job." The others silently laughed at her comment.

The girl pulled down her hood and looked straight at Lita.

Litas brows knitted in confusion. Then realization spread across her face.

The girl smiled slightly at that. The boys looked at eachother in confusion.

"Do you know eachother or  something?" Conner asked.

"Cameron?" Lita questioned, ignoring Conner. The girl smiled and nodded.

"Hey Lita." Lita stared to walk towards the girl before the two pulled eachother in a hug.

"I thought I would never see you again Cam." Cameron laughed. They let eachother go but stayed close.

"Same to you. Once you left I thought you be in jail at the very least."

"Can someone explain, isn't she a hunter?" Colby asked. The guys were all still very confused.

"Boys this is Cameron we were friends in the orphanage. The mistress hated us the most."

"Hi guys." Cameron said. There were small hellos across the group.

"How did you get out? Your not 18 yet." Lita asked.

"Ran off like you once I turned 15. Turns out didn't matter the mistress died a little while after I left." Lita laughed.

"Finally thought she would never kick it."

"What happened to you you left when you were what 12, 13. Then I see you with this possy." Lita smiled and shrugged.

"Very long story. One that would take hours to explain and I dont even know all of it yet." Cameron nodded at her explanation.

"What did he mean by calling me a hunter?" Cameron asked looking between Lita and the group. Lita sighed.

"People don't like me very much you could say. " Camerons mouth opened as if to question it, but closed and she didn't say anything.

"If your not a hunter then why did you grab a weapon when you left your car?" Colby questioned stepping closer to the two girls-more specifically closer to Lita.

"Weapon? Oh, my ex he's a physco. I'm paranoid he's following me so I keep something on me at all times." Lita put her hand on Camerons shoulder and slightly smiled.

"That makes some sense. And then following Lita into the store." Colby questioned again. Lita glared at him.

"I thought it was Lita but its been years since I've seen her, I wasn't sure until I saw your face. Then once I noticed you were already being dragged off by that guy." She pointed to Obsidian.

"Names Obsidian." He informed her. Cameron nodded at the information.

"Yea so thats why. Sorry if you thought I was a hunter or some shit."

"Its fine we are just cautious." Cameron nodded.

"I still can't believe its you. Do you have the scars?" Cameron questioned. Lita chuckled and ran her hands through her hair.

"Yea I doubt those will ever leave my skin." Lita doesn't show her scars to anyone. Its not like she's afraid of people seeing them its the explanation needed. If you were to see her back its covered in whip marks.

"Mine too." Lita got out of her thoughts and tuned back into the conversation.

"Well we should go-" Ace started to say when Lita interrupted him.

"Stay with us for a day or two. We have to get new clothes tomorrow, come with us and you and I can catch up." Lita offered. Colby looked at her as if she was crazy. This girl was a stranger no matter how much Lita trusted her. Cameron thought for a moment before shrugging.

"When and where tomorrow I can meet you there." Lita then told her the store and time for tomorrow before saying their goodbyes.

"See you tomorrow Cam." Lita hugged her quickly before Cameron walked off. Right when Lita was gunna do the same a hand wrapped around her wrist.

"The hell?" Colby hissed. Lita looked at him with confusion trying to get her hand out of his grip. His black ring cold on her exposed skin. Once she got out of his grip she explained.

"The hell what? That girl is someone who I grew up with. I trust her, and one day of hanging out won't kill us."

"We aren't going to leave you alone with her. Deal?" Lita sighed before nodding and walking to the car.

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