87-Watch it

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Everyone waited is silent anticipation. Lita closed her eyes once opening them back. Black.

Lita silently looked down to her now free hands. Everyone looked down seeing black energy swirling though her fingers. Lita opened her palm watching as a ball of similar energy grow. In the middle of the energy it looked almost white.

Lita took her hand away the chains rattling in the process. She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding meeting everyone's eyes. Hers were back to normal.

"Is it over?" She broke the silence. Everyone broke into smiles cheering for the girl. It was over.

Conner the was first to run to the girl hugging her tightly while unlocking the chains for her. Lita laughed holding him close seeing Ace walk up to. She opened her eyes meeting Obsidians. She saw how much it hurt to not be there for her.

She cleared her throat breaking the hug. She still hadn't broke eye contact with the boy.

Obsidian tilted his head catching onto what she was hinting at. She nodded answering the question that was racing through his head.

That was all he needed to race forward sweeping her up in his arms.

Conner and Ace looked to each other subtly highfiving.

Lita smiled into Obsidans neck breathing in his scent.

"You did it darling." He whispered so only she would hear. She nodded feeling Obsidian set her to the floor.

He blocked her sight of all the others. All their surprised and curious stares. She was only focused on him.

With his height he bent down and she looked up.

"When you said after tonight I didn't think you ment the minute after." He laughed out. Lita smiled kissing his cheek backing up to finally face them.

She looked at all of them. The surprise look of Lisa. The hurt look from Colby. The disapproving from Peter. And the happy looks from both Conner and Ace.

When her eyes met Conner he smirked nodding. She blushed but no one spoke.

"Great talk guys." Obsidian broke the silence. He walked up standing beside Lita to be support.

Both knew one reaction was going to be hardest. Although one of them was more excited to see it then the other.

Obsidian smirked toward Colby feeling cocky. Lita simply stared at him sadly.

"So you couldn't be with me, but you could be with him!" There it was. Lita sighed but let him continue.

Colby scoffed.

"Do you know who he is? What he would do? He's psychotic I've see it, and so have you Lita. You shut me down claiming that you have this rule that you can't break. Then you break it for him?" Colby let a bitter smile break through.

Lita chewed on her lip.

"Its my life Colby." She decided to say. Colby shook his head. Hurt was clear in his gaze.

"Its your funeral." He stormed away hitting shoulders with Obsidian as he past. Obsidian went to follow but Lita placed a hand on his arm holding him back.

"Dont, he's not worth it right now." She took her eyes off the exit back to the four.

"Are we done down here?" She asked in a forceful tone. Lisa nodded still silent.

"Hes going to get you killed." Peter shot at her walking further into the room. Lita kissed her teeth having an idea.

With a whip on her hand she brought out the feeling of the newfound power. Peter was pushed to the wall and held there.

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