40-Fighting yourself

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6 years ago...

"That was weak my child. You gave into the fear. I taught you better Obsidian." Obsidian nodded bowing his head down staring at the floor. The man infront of him shook his head in disappointment.

"I'm sorry Master-"

"You do not apologize. You didn't do anything to me. You did this to yourself." Master walked to the side of the training room grabbing a staff.

The training room was in the basement of the mansion. Mats cover sections of the floor. Wespons of all types were on the walls and on the rack. Two punching bags were hanging from the ceiling. There was no carpet or windows making the room always freezing.

Obsidian jumped at the sound of a snap of wood to the floor. To his left was the end of the staff, mere inches from his leg.

"Stand up my son." He ordered the young boy. Obsidian stood and looked straight ahead with a flat expression.

His Master walked in front of him the staff in hand.

"Hit me." Obsidian glanced at the man.

"What?" He spat.

"You heard me. Hit. Me."

Obsidian kissed his teeth before getting into fighting position.

"Ya!" Master yelled starting the fight.

Obsidian struck first directing his fist to the mans face. His Master easily dodged it by moving to the side.

Obsidian huffed swinging his leg up kicking Master. Except his foot never made contact. The man was three feet away looking the boy dead in the eye.

Anger fueled the teens body. He ran throwing punches and kicks-each dodged-at his opponent.

"Fight back!" Obsidian yelled. Sweat started to line his face. His Master sat there in perfect condition.

"Why should I? You're fighting yourself my son, figure out your demons before fighting the real ones." He told the boy taking the staff and sweaping Obsidians legs out from under him.

Obsidian growled under his breath watching as his Master shook his head.

"You will stay here until nightfall. I expect improvement." He walked out of the door locking it behind him, leaving Obsidian on the ground.


"Is he ok?" Colby asked their Master once they saw his figure walking up the steps.

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