73-Just saying

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Ace chucked the dagger through the air hitting the target. Lita smirked grabbing her own and throwing it across from her hitting the target as well. Ace gave her a cocky grin.

"Oh we're playing it like that are we?" He taunted getting ready to throw the next dagger. Lita laughed about to grab the next dagger when one landed on the post behind her.

In a rush of movements a dagger was sticking out of the table leg between Aces legs. His mouth fell open and he laughed nervously. He stepped forward and away from the daggers.

"You win." He congratulated her with a clap. She bowed jokingly before standing back up. Freya was approaching the two but couldn't look away from the blonde boy. Lita looked from her to him noticing the same look of awe on his face.

She smiled backing away.

"I'll leave you two then." Ace glared at her snapping away but didn't protest. Lita smiled genuinely happy that the boy maybe found someone. She rounded the corner of the gate running into a certain boy.

Obsidian jumped in surprise seeing the girl bump into him.

"Sorry." She apologized backing away distancing the two. Kiara came out from behind Obsidan and happily bounded over to Lita.

"Your wolf in annoying." Obsidian said sternly trying to distract himself in any way possible, without making the girl leave. Lita smirked kneeling down to glide her fingers through the white fur.

"I call bullshit." She now smirked up to him, Obsidian rose an eyebrow crossing his arms over his chest. The black cloak shifting on his shoulders.

"Oh really darling?" Lita rolled her eyes, looking over to Kiara patting her in the head before standing.

"You like her but you are just afraid to admit it. Trust me, it won't ruin you intimidation. Honestly would probably increase it." Obsidan laughed poking his tongue on the inside of his cheek. He felt his confidence returning.

"I'm intimidating, please tell me more." Lita scoffed.

"Dont think I will, it might make your head to big to fit your ego." She laughed at her own joke walking past Obsidan, Kiara trialing behind the girl.

Obsidian watched her go the same stupid grin plastered on his face. He pushed it away, walking the direction he intended to before bumping into the girl.


I walked down the cobblestone path and over the bridge that went over the frozen river. People seemed to back away when I was walking their direction. It didn't bother me anymore.

I walked up to the little cottage with a chimney with puffs of smoke exiting it. I opened the little wodden gate with a creak nearing the door. I knocked with my knuckle hearing a "come in."

Pushing to door open with my cold hand I entered into the small building.

"Charlie?" I called out walking around the small dining table in the kitchen.

The man had requested I join him for some reason.

Plants in pots were decorated around the house. Vials filled with various liquids were in a cabinet.

"Obsidian glad you could come." Charlie rounded the corner smiling at the boy. I nodded giving him a tight lipped smile. Charlie looked at me with a unexplainable look.

"What do you want?"

"You have nightmares yes?" Charlie questioned studying me. I licked my lips not seeing a reason to hide anything. I quickly nodded my head in reply.

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