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I looked up meeting his dark eyes. I sighed my shoulders falling.

It was only a matter of time, didn't mean I was ready.

"We need to talk." He walked further into the room. I could feel the annoyance and anger radiating off of him. I deserved it.

"Yea." I sighed out running my hand through my hair. I feel the tightening in my stomach from anxiety. I was scared.

He simply stood at his full height. His arms crossed over his chest, making his stance intimidating. His jaw was tight.

I didn't know what he was thinking behind his dark eyes. He just continued to glare at me.

"Will you start or shall I?" His voice was so chilling and held venom behind it.

"I assume you have more to say, so say it." He chuckled and nodded. I saw his arms tightened, his muscles felxed as he did. I forced my eyes back up waiting for it.

"You ran, you ran then ignored me. I told you I was fucking sorry! You kissed me Lita, you kissed me! So in my head I thought you felt the same. Then you fucking run away." He didn't even try to hide the anger. I didn't blame him, I didn't try to stop him either.

I ran.

I ran because I was confused.

I still am.

And I have no fucking clue what to do.

He took three big steps and was right in front of me. I tried my best not to break eye contact. He towered over me as he always did. But now, at this moment, it was a power move. He wanted to show his dominance and power, laced with his anger.

"So Lita, please, tell me why you fucking ran."

"I..." I trailed off, my mind drawing a blank. He started to shake his head with a bitter smile.

"I don't know." I finished finding my words again. My voice came quieter then his by a big percent. Him hearing me made him stop for a moment. So, I continued.

"I dont know and thats the truth. When you kissed me, I froze and thought about all the fear that something like that would happen. But then I saw you, I don't know what made me kiss you but I did. Then I became fucking terrified, so I ran." He watched me speak with the same expression. One of understanding the other of sadness.

"I know I hurt you, I do. But how am I supposed to be with anyone when I can barley live with myself? Then I think of the what if, and its fucking addicting." He straightened up still silent. He seemed to be surprised to hear what I said.

I bit my lip playing with the end of my sleeves. What was I supposed to do?

I heard him take a breath then he started to speak.

"You think I know what to do? You think I understand this feeling that builds everytime I see you, or everytime I see you with someone else? I have no fucking clue." My heart started to pound.

Silence fell. He was waiting for me to speak but I had no words to say. I couldn't even see him anymore. I just saw the pain and heartbreak.

If we would happen it would end in wildfire. Everything would be ruined. The group that holds me together would be gone. It may sound selfish but they are my rock, my legs to stand on. It would ruin everything.

Wouldn't it?

"What if what you think you feel isn't real? Then whatever we built will be fake." His head fell slightly for a moment before it started to shake.

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