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As the sun rose above the horizon shining into all the open windows. Lita continued to hold the dragons.

Whenever she would put them down they would climb right back up. So she stayed awake. Obsidian went to bed on the couch.

She still didn't know their genders or what to name them. That would all come with learning how to take care of them.

The black one was curled up on her shoulder snuggled into her hair. The green was sleeping in her arms.

The black woke up carefully walking back to her shoulder where Lita could look and see them.

The creature sneezed, small specks of fire and smoke coming out. Lita laughed quietly blowing the smoke away.

The black started to whine waking its sibling up. They both looked to Lita for the solution to whatever problem they were having.

"What?" She whispered looking between the two. Then it hit her. They were babies.

"Are you hungry?" She suspected again. No reaction but she figured it's what they wanted. Lita stood up making sure both dragons weren't going to fall, regardless if they had wings.

She walked past the table through the door in the back. It was still early so none of the cooks should be there yet. Walking down the two steps she found herself in the kitchen.

Walking to an empty counter she set the dragons down to be able to move freely.

"Meat right? That's what you two eat?" She asked them. The green layed down resting its head on the end of its wing.

"Helpful." She said. She walked into the cool room where all the meat was stored with ice.

Walking in, the freezing temperature hit her. She shivered but grabbed a small rabbit that had already been skinned and prepped. It was hung on a metal hook.

Holding it away from her body she walked out back to the dragons.

They both looked at the rabbit already trying to eat it.

Lita smiled setting the meal behind them letting them eat. They looked cautions at first but gave into their instincts. Their sharp teeth easily got through the rabbit.

It didn't take long for them to be full having being so small. The two turned facing Lita. Red surrounded their mouths making her grimace.

"The rest can go to Kiara." She said taking the hook and bringing it into the cool room all the way in the back.

Shutting and locking the door she held out her hand for the dragons. The green happily hopped onto it. Lita held out her other hand, the black climbing onto that.

As she walked out she held both of them to her chest.

Back up the steps she was able to hear voices.

Rounding the corner showing herself everyone turned to look. She walked further out of the small shadow from the door walking furhter into the room.

They gasped some even took a small step back. Obsidian smirked crossing his arms over his chest leaning against the couch.

"I told you." He sang referring to their conversation.

"It worked." Conner stepped up cautiously walking toward the girl. Lita smiled nodding.

"It worked." Conner broke into a grin laughing out. He stepped closer pushing down his fear. Everyone watched too afraid to move, or say anything.

Conner slowly held out his hand toward the green one. Its scales went up but went right back down.

It lowered its head as a sign of acceptance.

"Holy shit." He whispered letting his hand fall back down. Conner turned to the rest of the group. They all look terrified beside Obsidian.

Charlie clutched a book to his chest. Peter stood tall but wouldn't even look at the girl. Ace was smiling but didn't make any move forward. Lisas mouth was wide, her eyebrows raised in shock.

Charlie slowly stepped through them becoming the one in front. He opened the book flipping to a certain page.

"One male and one female." He pointed toward the page then back at Lita.

"How do you know?" Lita asked.

"The green is a female because of the shaped fins along its back and neck. Same with the male black. I've studied these creatures enough to know. The black also is larger which is common in males."

Lita looked down at the now him and her.

"They are smart creatures. They know who their master is and who isn't. If you choose to name them they will learn it almost instantly. Training them will take time since they have to learn to fight their instincts, and listen to your commands." Charlie continued Lita looking back up.

"If you name them mittens or boots I will kill you." Conner muttered making the girl laugh. She bumped his shoulder before looking back down.

Her mind was spinning with names to call them.

"Meridia." She muttered looking at the female.

"Nurieth." She said looking at the other.

Conner smiled hearing her choices.

"I like them." He said she smiled.

"Meridia and Nurieth." She said louder for the rest to hear.

Charlie smiled closing his book.

"Now to train them. They will slowly learn to fly on their own. But their fire training will take the longest. Your family always had a word for them to essentially fire. Drakein." He sampled the word for her.

"Drakein." She repeated. Charlie nodded.

"Your family luckily wrote a lot of their findings and time with the dragons down. Within a month they should almost be completely trained. And they would by then, have tripled in size." Her eyes widened looking at their size now.

"Thank you Charlie." The man smiled.

"Anytime your grace." Lita smiled before turning around.

"You three." She motioned for the rest of her group leaving the adults to talk. They followed her out the back door where the training grounds were, as well as the garden.

Coming up to an open place she knelt down setting both down for them to be own their own for a bit.

Dra-keen Nur-ie-eth Mera-die-uh those are all the pronunciations xoxo

Dra-keen Nur-ie-eth Mera-die-uh those are all the pronunciations xoxo

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