56-We must go

92 3 15

17 years ago...

Drystan nodded at the thanks he was being told. People congratulated him on the win. The Alastors were celebrating as they ventured around the kingdom.

The Dark Ones had disappeared. Drystan knew they had to. They did what they needed, they served him well.

Drystan looked over the throne. He wanted it. He needed it. He craved the power, the authority.

"Drystan." A gruff voice spoke. Drystan turned seeing Ben Alastor. Drystan silently nodded it was apart of the deal.

The Alastor family helped him and they got thr crown-not like Drystan could have it anyway. Ben nodded walking further into the castle.

Drystan rose his head high walking with confidence. He walked past the guards down the steps into the rest of the kingdom.

People lowered at his glare and grabbed their children. Not many people were able to leave, they couldn't leave their homes, jobs, families, so they stayed. They are now under control of the Alastor family.

Drystan smirked walking through the streets. As he neared the end of the pavement he turned facing the castle. He made eye contact with the Lovis flag flying in the wind at the top of a tower. He gritted his teeth as he let a ball of fire grow in his hands.

He ignored the screams of the people throwing the fire hitting the flag. The fabric went into flames falling to the ground. He smirked to himself before he briskly turned leaving Matthias.

He had a sister to find.


"Father!" Ben Alastor turned hearing a little girls voice and the padding of feet. The little blonde girl ran into her fathers arms.

Ben grimaced at the contact but hugged back none the less. His other three children were not far behind.

The oldest James and his twin sister Sierra. The two were stuck to one another like glue, always copying and careing for eachother. They had blonde hair and strong facial features which was the trademark of the family. They were also the obvious favorites of the father.

Next there was Freya who was a year younger then the ten year old twins. She was shy and quiet she wasn't close to the twins. She had blonde hair as well but kind eyes.

The last of the Alastor children was Tobin. He was the youngest being two years younger then the twins, but he was the smartest. He was often pushed around by the twins and looked down upon by his father. They blame him for his mothers death. His blonde hair of course and smile was the trademark for him. Him and Freya were close.

"Hello Sierra." Ben greeted setting Sierra on her feet. James came running up behind her nodding at his father.

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