76-Taken away

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Lita went into the bathroom grabbing a cloth and wetting it in the sink. Wringing out the extra water she walked back out seeing Obsidian just standing by the door.

"Sit." She said softly, sitting herself down on the bed. Folding her legs beneath her she waited.

"Just sit down." Sh repeated more firmly. Obsidan smirked sitting across from her on the bed. He could smell her vanilla scent from where he sat.

She took the cloth dabbing the blood away to show the open wounds.

"What made you do this?" She kept her voice steady and calm. She kept her eyes down no matter how hard a part of her wanted to look up.

"Nothing important." The boy shortly responded. She nodded silently cleaning off the last spot of blood only to have more seep through thr skin.

"Hold this to your hand." She handed him the cloth standing amd walking to his dresser. He watched silently doing as she said. He looked down when she turned back around.

She ripped the shirt in half earing a glare from the boy. She shrugged walking back to the bed.

"That was mine." He told her taking his hand away from the cloth and letting her work.

"It still is, but in two pieces." He rolled his eyes feeling her hair fall onto his leg as she tied the shirt around his hand.

"When this one gets too dirty just use the other half." She softly smiled feeling a weird feeling settle in her stomach.

Obsidian opened and closed his hand feeling the pain slowly fading. Lita cleared her throat seeing her job was done.

"Are you leaving then?" Obsidian asked surprising the girl. She stopped in her tracks turning her head to see the boy already looking up at her.

"I assumed you didn't want me in here." She fully turned crossing her arms over her chest. He sighed swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Leaning his elbows on them he let his head hang.

"Did I say that?"

"Our past experiences have." She replied quickly. Obsidian bit his lip looking down at the wooden floors.

"Yea well, don't blame people for their pasts." Litas face turned to confusion.

"Pasts matter, it makes that person who they are." She walked over to thr bed cautiously sitting beside the boy. He didn't look up or stop her. 

"Even if that person has changed?"

"Depends, is that person in this room?" She questioned softly, Obsidian lifted his head looking at that girl.

"Will that change your answer?" He avoided the direct question. She sighed their eyes meeting.

"No, it wouldn't." She finally said after some time. A weight lifted off his shoulders with her answer. He doesn't want to be the person everyone sees him to be, and if she believes people can change. Then maybe he can.

A silence fell over the two. Their quiet breathing was all they would hear, and the pounding of their heart. Lita was nervous because she didn't know the look Obsidian held in his eyes. Obsidian was terrified that with the wrong words she would leave.

Lita broke the eyes contact looking out the window. It wasn't snowing, instead the sun was shining.

Obsidian took a breath finding his words.

"When I was younger I smiled, and laughed. I saw Conner, Ace, and Colby as my brothers. Then, Colby took something from me. It changed my whole perspective on life and people. I learned you can't trust people because otherwise you'll get hurt. I never laughed, or smiled after that."

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