92-He's coming

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On the floor of her room Lita was in complete focus. Items around the room were surrounded in black whisps. Both of her hands sat on her knees to help guide the objects.

In her mind she imagined what her room looked like. What was where. With every object that she picked up she would feel the weight in the energy, almost as if she was holding it with her own hand.

She took a deep breath in then out. Over the last few busy days, using her power like this calmed her down.

They were busy taking care of the dragons, and figuring out what to do with them. As they got bigger they won't be able to fit in the house. The people still have no idea they even exist, and they plan on keeping it that way.

The boys all are training with Lisa. She wants everyone to be extra prepared and not take any chances of not being the best.

No sign of Drystan. Lita can feel a shadow following her, but it feels so far away. Its Drystan she knows it. And if she does then so does he.

Lita slowly opened her eyes not breaking concentration. Looking down at her hands her energy was flowing around her fingers. Lita looked up seeing all the things she pictured in her mind in her grasp. The black energy surrounded them and kept them floating above the ground. She smiled to herself.

Raising her hands she pushed the away from her pushing all the objects back as well then back into their place. Closing her palm she shut away the power.

She breathed out proud of herself.

Her new gift is harder to control then she thought. At many times she can barley keep it inside.

Her door opened with a creak as the girl stood to her feet brushing away the dirt from her pants.

Obsidian walked in shutting the door behind him.

His cheeks were red. Sweat soaked through his shirt.

He let out a breath his shoulders falling slightly.

"Morning my darling." He greeted walking closer to her. Lita laughed putting a hand to his chest stopping his attempts.

"Take a shower first." Obsidian rolled his eyes still trying to walk closer to her. Lita shook her head pressing her hand against his chest.

"Not happening."

"Fine." He stepped back until Lita let her arm fall then he raced to her kissing the top of her head. Lita gasped feeling his arms enclose her.

"Obsidian." She groaned but couldn't help the warm in her chest, or the way her knees went weak. Obsidian smiled not feeling her push him away. Resting his chin on her head the two rocked back and forth.

His arms were wrapped tightly around her back and waist. Her arms were pinned at her sides.

"I hate you." She mumbled not meaning a single word. She was grining ear to ear anyway. Obsidian smiled rubbing his thumb on her back.

"No you don't." Lita shook her head but let her body relax anyway. She rested her head on his chest near his his shoulder.

Obsidian kissed her head once more before sadly pulling himself away.

"Now you might as well just take a shower with me." Lita snorted with a laugh poking at his shoulder.

"Nice try." She smiled walking away. She stood by the door looking back at him seeing him still staring at her.

"I'll be back up after your done." She turned opening and closing the door.

As she walked down the hall she couldn't wipe the stupid love sick smile off her face.

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