59-Lets go home

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Conner shut the door facing the two. Colby looked pissed and guilty. His face was red as were his knuckles.

"How is she?" Ace sped to Conner once the door was shut.

"How doyou think." Conner snapped. His heart dropped to his feet the second he walked into the room. She was his best friend, and he wasn't there. Ace glared at him, Conner ignored him.

"Fuck the plan. I'll cause a diversion you two get the sword and armor. Obsidian has Lita she'll be fine." Conner came up with the new plan within seconds. They came to get Litas things and they were leaving without them.

"Go!" Conner fired at them. The two rushed off and Conner looked sadly to the door. He gulped before rushing to the steps.

He slowed at the balcony seeing Ace and Colby behind a corner.

"PIRATES AT IN THE MANOR! RUN!" Conner yelled running down the steps and ushering the people out the door. People were pushing and shoving to get away from the "pirates".

The guards all looked to Conner to pointed to a random door. Two went to check while five stayed.

"Not good odds." Conner mumbled cracking his knuckles.

"Hey." He greeted a guard to his left before punching him and snatching his gun. The other four quickly rose their guns to him.

Conner shot first, then dodged the bullet that was fired at his head. Two down. The other three kept their finger on the trigger. Conner slid to a table knocking it on its side using it as coverage.

The bullets slowed once they saw he hid. Footsteps was nearing him. Conner breathed out clutching the gun hard to his chest. He grunted as he pushed the gun to the persons gut. Conner lifted his knee bringing it to their face. Three down.

"Hey assholes!" Conner let a smirk grace his face seeing Ace now down on the ballroom floor. Two knives were in his hands. Ace got in his stance as one of the remains guards went for him. The other continued making his way to Conner.

Conner huffed pulling the trigger and watching the body drop. Blood splattered onto his suit. His eyes lifted to the balcony. The armor and sword were gone from their place. Colby got them.


Lita felt her strength slowly return to her. She was able to stand on her own still shaky for multiple reasons. Obsidian watched with the same concerned eyes he pointed to her since the others left.

They hadn't spoken. She didn't want to.

He gave her his suit jacket to cover up the torn dress. Her breaths were uneven and shaky as her eyes looked to Sam's body.

"Don't look at him." She licked her lips before pulling her eyes away. Obsidian walked to her and softly put his hand on her arm. All her instincts told her to pull away. He was gentle which is why she didn't.

"Lets get out of this room." He told her quietly. He treated her like glass, because she truly was. Bruises formed on her face, and thighs from Sam.

She nodded, not feeling the need to speak. Obsidian gently guided her out the room into the hallway.

Litas tear stained cheeks shined in the light now out of the dark room. Obsidian clenched his jaw feeling the twist at his heart.

Gunshots rang through the manor.

"What was that?" She kept her voice as steady as she could but it was still broken, and dry. Obsidian looked down to her before back in the direction of the shots.

"Couldn't tell you."

Lita walked over the bodies not showing any care to them. She walked hesitantly further down the hall. Obsidian didn't follow, he couldn't take his eyes off her broken figure.

Lita looked to her side seeing the boy didn't follow. She turned seeing him still at the doorway.

"C'mon." She made it sound like a request. With him near her she felt safe. She didn't know why, but she didn't pay any mind to it.

Obsidian nodded stiffly catching up to her. The pair walked to the now empty place at the balcony.

The armor and sword were gone.

"Where- " Lita stopped talking seeing the scene below. Colby stood a sword on his hip and a bulky bag. Conner was dropping a gun from his chest. While Ace was cleaning off his knives.

Lita let a small smile at the sight only the rest of the group. Obsidian looked down seeing her face. He felt another tug in his heart seeing her smile through all of this. She was stronger then she knew. But he saw it. How she carried herself, how she would get hurt but still let a smile spread onto her face.

The girl breathed out,slowly decanting the stairs. Obsidian followed closely after her watching as her arms shook with each step. Her strength was there hit weak.

The pair made it to the floor. Lita pulled Obsidians jacket tighter to her body feeling extremely exposed.

Conner walked to her first. He looked to her with a question in his eyes. A lump formed in her throat as she wrapped her arms around Conner. Conner held her head his head pointed to her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered quietly. She shook her head into his chest.

"Don't be." Her hands balled into a fist on his back. He sighed into her hair holding her closer then the two have been before.

Lita was the one to take a step back wipping the few tears the dotted her cheeks.

"Lets go home." Lita said putting a sad smile tugged to her lips. Conner nodded and lead her out.

"Hey-" The three turned to two guards running out of a room locking angry.

"Fuck off." Ace threw his two daggers each meeting a guards head. Obsidian looked impressed from them, to the blonde.

"Lets go." Colby nodded out the door and started his way out.

"Yea." Ace agreed walking to the door as well. Obsidian took a minute processing the events of the night. He let out a big breath running his ringers through his hair.

"Fuck." He told himself rushing out the door.

The ball is over and will never happen again now only healing and sweet moments to come xoxo

The ball is over and will never happen again now only healing and sweet moments to come xoxo

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