100-You ok

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Obsidian woke up in a sweat. His unclothed chest glazed with sweat, his hair sticking to his forehead. Leaning back on his hands the blankets fell, and layed in his lap.

"Fuck." Throwing off the sheets he ran out the room to the door. Rapidly knocking,q the door slowly opened revealing a clearly annoyed Lita.

The two decided to get separate rooms after all, while staying in the inn.

"What?" She spat rubbing her eyes. The moon was still high in the sky.

"Whats wrong?" Her eyes fell to his chest and heavy breathing.

"Drystan, he got into my dreams." He finally said, taking a deep breath after it. Litas eyes widened before she widened the door allowing the boy inside shutting the door after him.

Kiara was stretched out on the bed, her eyes finding Obsidian and them shutting again.

"What did he want?"

"To give me a message, among other things." He whispered the last few words but Lita still heard them. She decided not to question it.

"And the message was?" She sat on the edge of her bed her eyes fully awake now.

"That he was coming, and soon." Litas face paled and her eyes fell.

"Great." She smiled scacatically, rubbing her palms up and down her thighs.

"In the morning we'll tell Lisa." Lita concluded running her fingers through her hair, sighing softly. Obsidian let out a breath nodding.

He noticed the girls demeanor walking toward her.

"You ok?" He knelt down taking her chin in his hands.

"Yea, I'm fine." She said bluntly clearly forcing it. She smiled taking his hand to kiss his palm.

"We should get some sleep." She whispered. Obsidian looked out the small window seeing a different view then what he was used to.

After a minute he nodding letting his hand fall to her thigh.

"Do you want some Cheine? I have some that Charlie gave me."

"No, it's fine. I'll live." He grinned standing up and kissing her atop the head. He lingered a part of him not wanting to leave.

He felt safe with the girl even though she was a wall away.

"Ok, night." Lita looked up smiling softly at him.

"Night darling." He took a step back fully leaving her before turning and out the door.

Lita watched the door click shut and his footsteps creak down the hall. Her heart twisted.

The bubble of power built at the base of her throat. She pushed it down clearing her throat, and shaking her head.

"Damnit." She cursed under her breath crawling her her place on the bed.

She felt no pull to fall asleep. Her eyes were wide awake.

That shadow was in the back of her mind. She knew he was getting closer. She could feel it.

She would have to physically see him.

Seeing him in the flesh would be so much different then seeing him when she was forced to. Her own flesh and blood, the last of her family. Was trying to kill her.

But based in her vision the mansion would also be almost fully rebuilt so that gives them time.

As little as it is it brings Lita comfort.


"Thank you Lita and Obsidian." The pair smiled at Lisa making their way out.

"She took that..."

"Well?" Obsidian finished, his hand brushing against the girls.

"I don't blame her though." Lita walked down the cobblestone her hands buried deep in her pockets. The cold wind pushed them both along.

"No, I guess not." The pair slowed down at thr small house over the bridge.

"Its so empty." Lita said. Obsidan didn't tear his eyes away. Pursing his lips he nodded.

"I suppose it is, Lisa said she wasn't going to let anyone inside." Lita looked over toward the direction where he was tied up.

No news of what they were going to do with him yet. Lita voted to just let him die. Lisa wants to torture him. But everyone seems to disagree with those suggestions.

Someone brings him food and water each day. A fire burns at his side to make sure he doesn't freeze to death.

"I hope they figure what to do soon because I don't know how long I can just let him sit there." Lita left with her words still processing in his head. Her footsteps faded leaving only the prints.

"Hey." Obsdian turned seeing Conners red nose tucked into his coat.


"You ok?" Conner asked, his voice waving from his chattering teeth.

"I will be." He forced a half smile down at Conner. Conner nodded his eyes looking over to Charlies abandoned house.

"See you later." He finished the conversation leaving Obsidian once again.

Obsdian finally moved walking in the opposite direction as Conner.

Shorter chapter yes yes I know you write 100 chapters of a book and still come up with new things I wrote this at 10 o'clock at night and my mind couldn't write anymore so there im really struggling to get this book done becsude I don't want the last chapters to be shit but I also don't want to drag it out xoxo



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