3-None of them could

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Obsidian got the other bed since the others didn't want to argue with him. Lita was sat on her bed with Conner next to her as they went through the case.

With Lita being a target they needed weapons so they have a case full. Some daggers, and a pistol with ammo. Lita was taught how to use each by Ace, surprisingly she picked up on it very quickly.

The last man to come after her was someone named Jim, or at least thats what he went by. That was months ago.

"Where are we heading?" Lita asked hoping to get some type of answer. Ace sighed and looked towards Colby and Conner.

"And for the love of god don't say we will tell you soon or some bullshit. We've been doing this for four years guys, I deserve some answer." They knew she was right.

"We are going to a place where you will be safe. Its just very hard to get to. Its called Zaharia." Colby explained, and it was the truth.

"Well where is it?"

"We will tell you just not here, too many ears that could hear us say it. It will take us months to get to though."

"Months?" Lita stared at Colby in disbelief.

"We have been slowly making our way there but we had hiccups along the way as you know. We have to get you there before your eighteenth birthday."

"Yea hiccups as in trying to get me killed." The guys laughed at her comment, no matter how true it was.

Lita will turn 18 in 8 months. So thats the deadline. Each of the guys knew that.

"We should get to sleep guys we have a long drive tomorrow." Conner suggested. Lita nodded and Conner smiled and went to his place on the floor.

They all went to sleep.


"The closer she is to turning 18 the more people that will come." Ace whispered as all the guys were currently awake watching as Lita slept.

"We will be fine she can't get hurt with all of us around. Plus she's trained and is the best fighter here, I'm not worried." They nodded at Conner.

"The way there won't be easy." Colby said to the group.

"We will make it."

"But what if we don't. There are vows that are intitled for our job."

Conner sighed at Colby and Ace as they fought.

"Guys, we haven't broken a vow yet right?" They shook their heads.

"Then nothing to worry about."

"There will be something to worry about once it starts." Colby said what they were all thinking.

"We will be there for it, we were told what to do when it happens." Ace turned to look at Colby.

"I cant let her get hurt." Colby said under his breath but they still heard it.

"We can't let her get hurt." Conner reminded him.  Colby rolled his eyes and walked out and shutting the door.

"Whats wrong with him?" Conner asked still looking at where Colby stormed off.

"Hes becoming protective of her, don't lie we all have. Its what's supposed to happen but we aren't supposed to let it." Ace answered. Obsidian rolled his eyes and growled under his breath.

"We aren't falling for her, so keep it in your pants alright." With that the oldest of the group went to bed.

"And then there were two." Conner tried to smile at Ace but he couldn't, Obsidian was right they couldn't let their feelings toward the sleeping girl distract them.


Lita was outside leaning against the door of the warehouse. Debating if she should run.

"If you wanted to run you would've done it already." Lita turned to see Obsidian, she would be lying if she wasn't intimated by him.

"How do you know that?" Obsidian shrugged.

"I can read people." Lita nodded still lost in her thoughts.

"We aren't trying to kill you, those idiots make it seem as though we are trying to kidnap you." Lita smirked.

"I just can't seem to trust you after everything that has happened." He stayed silent.

"I've been at a orphanage for as long as I can remember, the head mistress hated me along with the other kids. She would hit me, even if I never did anything. The other kids would pick on me since I had been there the longest. So I started to hit back but that wasn't the greatest idea but it sure helped. They became scared of me for the last year, before I had enough and left. I ran like a baby then I ran into you and you say I never had to go through all that. It's just not fair I guess." Lita didn't know why she explained almost all her childhood to someone she just met but she did.

She laughed and shook her head.

"Things happen. We all deserve what we get." His voice responded. Lita looked away from him.

"I suppose. Also, you kinda act like a dick." Obsidian almost let a smile grow across his face, but he stopped it.

"So I've been told." He responded back before walking away. Lita shook her head.

"Nice talking to you." She said to herself. She ran her hands through her hair sighing.

 She ran her hands through her hair sighing

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