32-He must die

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23 years ago...

"Where have you been?" Will ambushed Maria as soon as she walked into their bedroom.

"In the castle why? How did the talk with Drystan go?" Will laughed sarcastically before standing up from the bench at the end of their bed walking towards Maria.

Maria payed him no mind. She just kept reminding herself that he went behind her back. Maria took off her crown setting it on the plush gold pillow sitting on the dresser.

"He was our son. He knows of his gift now. Maria please I was worried sick, where were you?" Will was no longer king. Maria bit on her lip before facing him her black hair falling into its natural waves.

"I was with Missandra. She had some very interesting things to say Will. She told me that you went behind my back telling her to keep the legend secret. You made her a promise to get her out of that damn tower. You lied." A flash of hurt and realization went across Wills face.

He stepped forward to grab Marias hand when she took a step back her heels clicking on the hardwood floors.

"Is that true?" She asked. When she saw him slowly nod she scoffed and laughed.

"Wow, so much for our wedding vows." She shook her head and walked to her vanity sitting on the wodden bench staring at him through the mirror.

Will had nothing to say. She found out the one thing he hoped she wouldn't.

"My love please let me explain-" Maria abruptly stood and pointed her finger at him.

"So you can lie. I want to trust you I do. But with our son being in the dungeons right now and now that I know the legend its all too much." The last sentence came out as a whispered but the king still heard her.

It broke his heart.

"I did it for you, all I do is for you. Please Maria, let me explain." He pleaded. She could tell he was desperate. She nodded before sitting on their bed.

"I did not do it to hurt you please know that. I told the Seer to keep it from you for your own safety, and sanity. The legend she told you isn't the full one. Its part of it. I had a feeling you would go and try and find it out, so I ordered her to tell you but only certain parts. I made Missandra to promise to keep certain parts kept out." Maria tilted her head at the man she loved.

Will walked to where Maria was seated and got on his knees grabbing her hands.

"I love you so much. That legend is dark and horrifying. When I was told it-the full one-I could barley function. I had no idea how to utter a single word of it to you." He clutched her hands and pressed his lips to them.

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