17-Well, well, well

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Once the car blew it was obvious someone was trying to kill me. My main concern wasn't me at those moments. It was Cameron.

I wasn't going to let her die becasue of me.

My legs hurt from the blow but I got up and made sure Cameron was alright.

"RUN!" Colby was right we needed to leave. Now.

I grabbed Cams hand and pulled her along. Me and her took the lead.

The guys weren't far behind me. We were all sprinting.

"Keep running." I told Cameron. I could tell she was getting tired but we couldn't stop.

If we stop it becomes a free for all.

"I need to stop." She panted. I gripped her hand tighter.

The boys were all running behind the two of us.

We ran out of the parking lot and into the woods next to it. Hopefully we can loose the hunter within the trees.

"Ok, ok stop for a second." I listened to Colby and slowed down I was breathing heavily as was the others. I dropped Camerons hand and she bent down over her knees to catch her breath.

"Did someone just blow up your car?" Cameron asked still out of breath.

"Yea I uh think they did. With all our shit in it too." I complained breathlessly.

"All our weapons, cash, food was all in that car." Colby ran his hand through his hair.

"We have one knife." Obsidian pointed out.

"Well gee we can go and take on an army with that thing." I spoke sarcastically. He growled at me.

I was starting to catch my breath and breathing normally once again.

"It won't be long until they find where we ran too." Ace said. Cameron finally stood straight up.

"Hes right." Colby agreed. Colby was the one normally always figuring out a plan for these types of situations.

"Well, what do we do? We can't run forever." I said. Colby nodded his head in my direction.

"Your car just blew up, we can go to the police o-or something." Cameron reasoned. I smiled at her.

"No police Cam. Remember when we thought you were a hunter. Well whoever did that is a hunter." I spoke trying to have her slightly understand.

"But they blew up a car." She tried again.

"Hunters have done much worse then that in the past." I told her. She looked at me surprised that I wasn't freaking out like she was.

"This is insane." She mumbled and looked around in the woods.

"Welcome to our life." Conner told her. I laughed softly.

"We can't sit here." I brought the group back to the current situation.

"Lets just walk quietly. There has to be  something up this way." Colby said. He started to lead the group into the woods.

We all followed.

We have been in situations like this but our car wasn't blown up. Normally we would be making our way to the car not away.

While we were walking I somehow was walking beside Obsidian. I didn't look in his direction like I knew he wanted. I kept looking at Cameron who was walking in front of me.

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