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I know you're disappointed

So am I

To be honest I've disliked the way this book has gone for the entire last act

I stretched it out to long and did too much

And that is all on me and my mistake

But I finished it

I wanted to stop and just not give you all at least an ending to the book so I continued it the best I could


Second book

Like I said before I don't like how the entire last act went


What I am thinking is I rewrite it

I do it not on wattpad and copy the chapters I like and truly figure it out

This book is very important to me because of all the possibilities I want to happen for it

Be mad if you wish

But would you want a second book that is terrible

Or a first book that is great and a second book that can be written correctly because of the set up from book one

Books cant be written in a day hell I've been writing this for a little less then a year


My plan is to start rewriting parts of this then re upload it under a totally different book

So please

Follow me for when that happens AND to see my other two books that I am currently writing


I want to say thank you

Thank you for sticking around even though this book went very downhill and ill be first to critique

I love you all and thank you for a great year

I hope to see some of your usernames again if not have fun reading



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