72-I'm the guest

70 1 3

Lisa rounded the corner peeking into the room. She smiled to herself seeing thr girl fast asleep.

The wolf was alerted of the women's presence but allowed her to enter. Lisa noticed the empty chair next to Litas bed.

Lisa sat in the cushioned chair leaning on her knees. She intertwined her fingers together, and began to pray.

"I pray to The 3 let Lita wake up in good spirits. The poor girl has been through enough, her brother should not be allowed to cause this much hardship. I pray that she will be everything and more she is destined to become. Bless The 3." Lisa sighed letting her back hit the chair.

"Who's The 3?" Lisa snapped up hearing the whisper of a question come from the girl.

"Lita, are you alright?" Lisa jumped up now sitting on the edge of Litas bed, helping the girl sit up.

Lita rubbed her eyes then placed them on her forehead.

"I'm ok." She gave a tight lipped smile tucking her raven hair behind her ears. Lisa sighed in relief silently thanking The 3.

"Who were you talking to?" Lita cleared her throat tugging the ends of her long sleeve down.

"Have you not heard of the gods?" Lisa asked in surprise. Lisa tilted her head taking notice if the girls confusion. She smiled showing the girl that it was ok. Lita looked to Lisa her mind awaking.

"The 3 are the gods. They made our world and protected it from the other world. They made the energy that hides our cities and kingdoms. They also created The Dark King and his army. Which later, they regretted it and banished him and his army. After that it is said they went into the stars, and have been watching us from above." The wind picked up from outside as Lisa ended her explanation.

"Is The Dark King a god as well then?"

"He is rumored to be, considering he can raise the dead. But he isn't much of a talker." Lita lightly laughed shaking our her arms. Lisa smiled feeling her connection to the girl grow.

"Do you need anything?" Lisa asked in a motherly, kind tone.

"I'm ok." Lita replied taking the blankets off her body swinging her legs over the edge.

"You do not have to get up right away." Lisa reminded the stubborn girl. Lita stood up taking a moment to find her footing.

"I know, but I have to." Lita walked to the other side of the room, grabbing the sword that was neatly placed on her dresser. Lisa studied the sheath for a moment before standing and rushing over to the girl.

"May I?" She opened her hand, Lita nodded handing her the weapon. Lisa slid her fingers across the sheath taking in all the familiar designs. Grabbing the handle she pulled out the metal letting it glint in the sunlight.

"Do you know what this is?" Lisa asked looking over to the girl. Lita laughed awkwardly.

"A sword?" The women laughed setting the sheath down letting her fingers touch the cold metal.

"This metal, is not iron, or silver. It's Vashine, the strongest metal on Earth." Litas eyes widened before falling back on the sword.

"That can kill the dead right?" Lisa simply nodded sheathing the sword again and handing it back to the girl.

"It was also....your fathers." Lita gasped taking the sword away from her chest now seeing it in a while new light. Lisa clenched her jaw feeling a bubble of guilt.

Luckily Conner entered the room with his regular bright smile.

"You're up." Lita smiled attaching the sword to her hip.

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