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It was 1993 the group had met four years ago.

There was Colby the leader he was the one with all the information and plans.

There was Conner the sweet book worm. He would be the one telling the group where to go.

Next there was Ace he was the quiet one who was also the idiot. He was the one with the specialty with knives.

Obsidian was the oldest. He was the angry quiet one. He was as the others called him a horrible influence.

Last there was Lita she was the lost girl. She was a fighter and had been following the guys ever since they came and picked her up saying she needed to go with them.

The group didn't have jobs so finding money consisted of mostly robbing and stealing.

The cops never caught the group.

They always went place to place never staying somewhere for more then a couple nights.


"Colby please your giving me a headache." Lita groaned from the backseat. Colby rolled his eyes at her even though she couldn't see him.

The car they were using was stolen from the side of the road.

The car pulled up to a small empty diner.

"Lita your up." Lita faked a smile before getting out of the car. Colby chuckled.

She fixed her hair before entering the door. She smiled seeing there was no one in the small building.

A bell dinged as she opened the door. Red booths lined the windows. A counter was in the middle with stools along the side.

You could smell the food cooking in the kitchen.

It was just a regular diner off the highway.

"Miss, can I help you?" The man at the counter focused on her.

She almost felt bad seeing as she was about to rob him. She pushed that feeling down.

"Yes you can. Me and my brother got lost and this is the first place we've seen in a while. I was hoping you could help me with directions." She lied with grace. He didn't suspect a thing.

The sweet man nodded before motioning her to come over.

She walked over eyeing the door behind him seeing Ace stick his head in.

"What direction are you heading?" Lita looked back and the man.

"At this rate hell." She laughed. She didn't touch the man Ace and Colby simply knocked him out and layed him softly in the red booth.

Obsidian went over to the register and pulled out the cash before walking away. The other four followed after him.

"How much did you get?" The girl called out.

"Enough." His raspy voice responded swiftly.


"Who the hell are you?" The small girl asked. She was scared and cold. After she ran away she had been living on the streets. Her honey eyes were scared and dull. Now four young boys come up to her claiming they know her.

"Lita please, you have to trust us. I'm Colby, that's Ace, Conner, and Obsidian. We don't want to hurt you please." The brunette boy pleaded.

Lita looked at the four of them. They were so clean and perfect. Their clothes weren't ripped like hers. Their hair wasn't a mess like hers.

They all had the same black ring on their right ring finger.

"But why should I?" The girl countered. She felt the tears trying to escape behind her eyes but she didn't let them fall.

"Because if you don't you will die." Colby told her. The small 13 year old girls eyes widened.

The boys were 14 with the one they said to be Obsidian a year older.

Lita hesitated before slowly nodding.


the first official chapter for the group the first couple chapters are short the later ones will be closer over 1000 words rather then the 500-600 it gets better later on since the characters personalities come out i hope you keep on reading and enjoy xoxo



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