41-The great families

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The four great families were either at war with one another, or ignoring one another. The great families were the richest and the ones in the most power.

The Lovis family who took over the crown. They kept it for many years until they couldn't any longer. They had a crest of a phoenix. They helped build the great kingdom Matthias but didn't take the crown, instead they gave it to another family. The Lovis name was known for being kind and having one of the largest well taught armies in the world.

The Calihan's, the great family in the north. They are the ones in the large coats never venturing far from the north. With the crest of the dire wolf they live up to their name. Dire wolves sat at their sides though, they have died out. In the north they live in Dornhill, a kingdom that sat there for hundreds of years. The Calihan's are known for being trustworthy and honorable. They fight in the wars when they are needed, they see family as their only priority.

Now, every great family has a few flaws, but one is only flaws. The Alastor family. The richest family in the world. They are known to be cold and untrustworthy. They always wanted the crown but never got it, until the end of the war. With the crest of the lion sat on their banners. The owner of The Vale, and owning the second best army in the world. They only care about eachother
They are power hungry, and egotistical. Rumors have been spreading about them for years, not one of them has been proven false or true

Lastly, the Black family. The ancient blooded, the fire blooded, the dragon blooded. A dragon is sat on their crest to remind people that they were the dragon riders. Black's have sat upon dragons until the species went extinct, or at least disappeared. They fought their wars well but lost. They were wiped out seen as a threat and dangerous for their blood. Every last Black died that day, any survivors are killed or in hiding. So now, Verona sits abandoned in ash and dust and in ruins.

Two of the families were allys from the start the Black's and the Lovis's. They trusted eachother and fought together until the very end.

When the Lovis's built Matthias and didn't want the crown they gave it to the Black's. The Black's sat at the crown for centuries, dragons flying in the sky. When the Black family was wiped out the Lovis's stepped up in place. Of course that didn't go over well with the Alastor's. A fight broke out with the Alastor's loosing and being sent back to The Vale. The Calihan family didn't partake in the feud they saw as long as they got what they want they didn't care who was in charge.


Along with the four great families there are others scattered who are just as important but maybe don't have enough power.

The Jones, the sea people. They are the ones with the ships. They may not own land but they own the sea. They have the crest of a kraken. The Jones family is scattered once they become of age not many stay with eachother. They don't have a ruler either they see eachother as equals and let the people rule. Known for their ship army but also for being sly. Not many people turn to them for help afraid they would turn on them.

Next is the Sekret family. Living in the desert, proves their strength. A scorpion crest. They don't participate much seeing as they live across the ocean. Normally they don't even get the news that happens on the mainland since most ravens don't make the trip. They are trustworthy until you hurt them and then they hurt you.

The Galene family are a small family. They are very rich and own small villages across the world. They help the poor by using their own money. A mermaid crest represents their beauty and kindness.

The Amberley's. The crest of a Robin. Again, a small family but still big enough where they partake in the wars. Owner of Adarlan a kingdom of some of the nicest people you would meet.

Each family has a history and each has a purpose.


Lita closed the book at her name being called.

"Hey." Conner greeted walking into her room.

"Hi." Lita closed the book placing it to her side on her blanket.

"What're you reading there?" Conner asked sitting on the edge of her bed. Lita smiled at the title The Great Families before looking back up at the boy.

"Look for yourself." She picked up the book handing it to him. The hard leather sliding off her fingers and into his hands. He looked at the title before a smile being tugged at his lips.

"Oh yes this book. I read this when I was younger. I assume you read about your family?" He asked looking up at her. She shook her head playing with her finger in her lap.

"Not yet. I only read the introduction to the families." He nodded handing the book back to her.

"You come from great family Lita. They have done amazing things when they were in charge." Lita looked up his with a confused look.

"When?" Conners eyes widened. He scratched the back of his neck before looking back at her.

"The Alastor's are in the crown now." Lita nodded before another question entered her head.

"Are they dead?" She asked sadly knowing the answer.

"I-yea they died about 17 years ago." Lita nodded.

"So around the time I was born then?" She rhetorically asked.

"They died a few months after you were born. Don't ask who did it because I cant tell you that, so please don't make me." She smiled sadly at him and nodded.

"I won't." Conner nodded before pursing hip lips and walking out of the room shutting the door softly.

Lita looked down to the book in her hand.

"I'll make you proud." She whispered to herself clutching the book to her chest.

Coming up with the names for everything in this chapter was hell but I'm happy with how they came out mostly just info in this chapter xoxo

Coming up with the names for everything in this chapter was hell but I'm happy with how they came out mostly just info in this chapter xoxo

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