19-Yea its following

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After Lita had agreed to stay with Obsidian the two didn't speak. Lita was going through her bags and putting everything in their respective place.

Obsidian watched her. He liked her annoyance.

Luckily the two weren't alone together for very long the rest of the group came back quickly.

"Shut up." Ace said as he walked through the door. Lita slightly smiled at their presence.

"Hey Lita, Obsidian." Colby greeted. The two didn't respond.

"Glad to see you didn't kill eachother while left alone, or did anything else." Ace said with a smirk. Colby smacked him up the head. Lita snorted and rolled her eyes.

"I wanted to kill him trust me." She told them. Obsidian smirked at her response.

"You wouldn't dare." He told her, she sighed and shook her head ignoring him.

"Oh I think she would." Ace snickered.

"Hes right if she were to kill any if us you be for sure the first." Colby agreed. Conner nodded staying silent.

"Isnt that right?" Colby asked the girl.

"One hundred percent true. He would be first but killed slowly." She responded. Obsidian scoffed.

"Try it darling." He responded. It was her turn to scoff.

While the two were arguing Obsidian had gotten close to Lita. Lita was getting flashbacks to earlier in the room.

The two glared at eachother long enough for Colby to have to clear his throat. Then the two snapped back and separated.

"Anyways, we have to pack up we have to leave the room in an hour." Colby told them. The girl nodded and started to pack up the things on her bed. Conner walked over and helped her.

The two hadn't really spoken since Lita's breakdown the night before. She liked that he didn't bring it up. She sent him a smile which he responded. They sat next to eachother and cleaned everything on the bed up while the others cleaned the rest.


Lita was in the middle of Obsidian- much to her disagreement- and Conner. Colby was driving with Ace in the passenger seat.

The group was quiet with nothing to really talk about. Lita was staring out the front window.

Obsidian stole glances at the girl every few minutes. He didn't know why but his eyes seemed to gravitate to her.

Lita felt the stares after a while and looked back. Obsidian wouldn't look away. He would stare back with his dark eyes. The two didn't speak.

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