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Those fuckers knocked me out.

I groaned under the bag over my head. I woke up a minute or so ago from whatever they drugged me with.

My hands were tied behind my back and as far as I can tell so were my feet.

I was sitting on something moving which I presumed was a car.

There are at least two men.

My vision was fuzzy-granted I was under a bag- and my head ached.

The guys.

I was worried not for myself but for the guys. They had no idea I was taken.


"Is she awake?" I heard a man's voice to my left ask whoever was in the car with me. I heard movement coming towards me and I closed my eyes again pretending to be knocked out.

I saw light behind my eyelids but kept up the act. A hand roughly grabbed my shoulder shaking it.

"The bitch it still knocked out." A man said and placed the bag over my head again.

I opened my eyes to try and see something through the bag, but I saw nothing.

The movement stopped and I heard a door open.

Suddenly I was picked up and carried somewhere. I tried to hear anything in the envoirment to get an idea of where they took me. All I heard was the shuffling of feet.

Something slid on hinges and the sound from the steps changed.

They are walking on concrete compares to before when they were walking on gravel.

We're getting somewhere.

I wanted to laugh at my thoughts, yea I'm real close to solving this one.

My body was sat-more like pushed-into a chair of some sort.

The bag was ripped off my head I groaned and the bright light.

"Hello there." I looked up to meet the man at the desk.

He was the one who knocked me out.

I didnt respond.

"Play the quiet game all you want Lita you will talk." Something about the tone of his voice unnerved me.

I stayed quiet.

He chucked to himself before nodding at someone.

Hands wrapped around me with rope. The rope laced around my body tying me to this stupid chair.

They took me to an abandoned wherehouse. It was empty. Beams were holding up the ceiling and the doors were on wheels.

"Now, to the real work. You see princess we have to get you to the man himself. But, we decided to have a little fun first." The man infront told me.

He had blonde hair and a button up shirt with nice pants. He played his role as receptionist well. He picked up his pants and squatted down to my eye level.

I glared at him. He laughed and grabbed my chin.

"So beautiful, pity you have to die." I ripped my face from his hands and continued to glare.

"Fuck you." I hissed. My voice was raspy from the lack of use but it made the impact.

The man laughed and two other men came from the sides all standing infront of me.

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