96-It was you

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Obsidian woke breathing in the vanilla scent. He smiled to himself having his moment. He did it. He found his smile.


Lita moved her head to the crook of his neck, tightening her arms around his torso. He rubbed her back looking up at the ceiling.

Lita hummed moving her head again. On his neck he felt the flutter of her eyelashes.

She groaned having opened her eyes.

"Morning darling." He whispered. She smiled, taking a hand away to rub her eyes.

"Morning." She mumbled yawning. She briefly looked at the window squinting at the bright light.

Lita broke her arms away from him to stretch and sit up. Obsidian put a hand on the small of her back.

"Dont get up."

She laughed turning and sitting corss legged.

"Why not?" He smirked, his hand had fallen on her thigh when she moved.

"I can think of a few reasons." He sat up leaning back on the head board. He started to pull her toward him. Lita laughed, blush rising in her cheeks.

Lita put a hand behind her back letting her power fly toward Obsidian. Like she intended it grabbed his hands and forced them above his head. He pulled at them chuckling.

"If you wanted to pin me all you had to do is ask."

"You would've said no." She tilted her head taking her free hand to trail it down his chest. A trail of goosebumps were left behind her finger.

"I would've." He confessed looking up at his hands, which were swirling with the black smoke like energy.

His muscles bulged in the position he was in. Lita took back her hand letting it fall into her lap.

"Let my hands go and I'll show you what I can do with them."

She choked on her breath staring at him.

"You see-"

Conner barged in looking alarmed.

"Guys we have to go!" He seemed out of breath.

"What is it?" Lita asked releasing her hold on Obsidian.

"Peter has the dragons." That was all the needed to leave Conners mouth to have Lita running out the door.

She ran down the steps, seeing the basement door open and wasting no time to run down them. Footsteps followed her.

"PETER!" She yelled her voice echoing off the walls. She jumped off the last step, coming into the room.

Peter held both of the crying dragons down.

"Let them go." Her voice was dangerously low.

"You won't take the step, you won't take the risk. We need them, they are useless at the size." Litas eyes left his taking in the pitchers and cauldrons of various liquids.

Charlie was in the corner and seemed to be knocked out. A bruise was froming on his eye.

"Don't make me hurt you Peter, you knew my father. Would he want this? You could kill them." Her heart was pounding. Everything else was blurry all she saw was him.

The rest of the group finally made it down the bottom.

"She's right Peter. Will would do the right thing." Lisa tried to reason.

Peter shook his head pushing down harder on the dragons.

"Her father was never in the right. And for a king? He was one of the worst. I only live under one king and it isn't a Lovis, it isn't a Black. Who do you think told Drystan we were in the North? The army is here because of my information. I was never on your side." Peter snarled. In his hand was a glass of black liquid. It bubbled at the top.

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