36-I've been here

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"Wake up Cap'n is ready to leave!" Pounding continued on the door of the room. Colby groaned and got up opening the door whispering something to the people.

"YOUHOO! Wake up we gotta move." Lita groaned and tried to sink into the semi comfortable bed. A pillow was thrown at her face.

"Princess get up." Lita made no attempt to get up. Hands ripped off her blankets.

"Ok, ok. Damn." She gumbled opening her eyes.

They had all stayed in their same clothes, seeing as everything was left in the car. Colby made it clear that everything they needed was on the ship.

Conner laughed at the girl grabbing her hands and pulling her up.

"I wanna kill him." Conner laughed and walked by her side.

"Dont we all."

The sun blared as soon as the group got out the Inn doors. People were just starting their jobs. Some were getting into the large ships, some were sailing away.

Colby lead them onto a dock leading to a large brown ship. Lita took notice of the stereotypical pirate flag at the top.

"Are they priates?" The girl asked Conner.

"Yes and no. For us pirates are people who live on the sea."

The dock creaked as the group walked across it. The ocean crashed onto the shore scaring the few birds that were in the area.

The dock stopped at the ship making people have to jump onto the ship itself.

Lita was almost fully woken up by the time each of them made it completely onto the ship.

Litas eyes looked around the ship. It looked so familiar.

"Why hello dearie welcome to my ship." Caspian greeted with a flirty smile. He let the group walk further onto the ship.

"I dont like him." Lita whispered to Conner. He snickered.

"Hes a cocky pirate what do you expect?" She smiled and focused back on Caspian.

"As for sleeping arrangements I don't have a room for each of ya. What I do have is two rooms close to mine. One I would expect Lita would want. The other doesn't matter. The rest will sleep down in the sleeping quarters with my crew." Caspian lent against the post of the stairs.

Two staircases on each side led to the wheel and upper deck. The main deck had ropes leading up to the crowsnest. His crew payed no attention to the new group. Each of them had a job in order for the ship to set sail.

"I'll take the other room." A deep voice only belonging to one.

"Then its settled." Caspian clapped his hands together.

"Wha-hang on. No." Lita protested. Obsidian looked back at the girl with an award winning smirk.

"I am not becoming neighbors with him." She spat. Ace laughed quietly. Colby opened his mouth to say something but Caspian interrupted.

"You could always room with me."

Lita looked him up and down.

"No. I'll room with myself." Caspian dropped the subject and walked to a door in the middle of the two staircases.

The door was oak with a gold knob.

Caspian opened it to reveal a large room.

"The first is my room, yours and Litas are through that door." Lita grumbled incoherent words under her breath.

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