89-Two dragons

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Nothing happened.

The fire just burned.

No dragons sprung from the ashes.

Ace rubbed Litas shoulder before going up to bed. The sun had set, the moon was rising.

Conner felt disappointed in himself.

"I thought it would work." He said sadly. Lita shook her head putting her hand on his. Obsidian glanced down clenching his jaw at the interaction.

"It's not your fault. We had no idea if they would even wake again. It was a shot in the dark." She tried to comfort. He nodded standing up fixing his frizzy hair.

"I'll see you in the morning." He gave her half a smile before going up the steps. She sighed out pulling her knees up.

The fire cracked. She could still see the eggs but nothing seemed to change.

Obsidian pushed down his jealousy walking around the couch sitting beside her. He put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer to him. She allowed it resting her head on his shoulder.

He pulled his eyes up from her to the fire. His jaw clenched again, her and Conner flashing in his mind.

Nothing is going on between them. She chose him.

Lita looked up feeling him tense under her.

"Whats wrong?" She scooted closer to sit up straighter. He shook his head in response staying silent. She glared at him which he saw.

"I think I might have some competition." She looked at him confused.

"Whos the competition?" He gave her a look making her laugh out.

"Who?" She laughed out. He rolled his eyes drawing patterns on her shoulder where his hand layed.

"Conner." He said straight out. Her eyes widened before she bursted out laughing. Obsidian looked down seeing a huge grin acorss her face.

"Whats so funny?" He asked clueless to the reasoning. Her laughing died down to a few chuckles.

"I'm not his type." She told him.

He scoffed turning back to the fire. She groaned gripping his chin to pull him to look at her.

"If I could tell you I would but that would break Conners trust. But just know, I am far from his type." She stared into his eyes to show how truthful she was being.

He slowly nodded and she let her hand fall.

The two stared into each other's eyes. The glow of the fire hitting their faces.

So many thoughts crossed Obsidians mind in that moment. Lita quickly looked from his lips back to his eyes. He noticed and started to smirk.

He started to slowly lean in before she closed the gap. His hands gripped her shoulder and hip bringing her closer. One of her hands were on his jaw, were she could feel the prickle of facial hair. Her other was on the back of his neck slightly tugging on the ends.

He slowed their lips down to savour that moment. Their passion and love.

He couldn't get enough of her. He brought her as close as he could until she was basically on top of him.

Lita only pulled away to take a breath. She laughed quietly resting her forehead on his. He smirked again closing his eyes to calm his breathing.

She kissed his forehead before getting off him and sitting back beside him. She yawned snuggling into his side. He smiled kissing the side of her head.

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