86-Her birthday

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Conner knocked on the door waiting for the other boy to respond. His heart rapidly hit his chest.

The clink of the metal lock then the face of Kian. Kian let his charming smile grow seeing the boy.

The two had been meeting in secret since they were made known of their feelings. There was no way to be out in the public world. People like them would be banished by those few who saw it as wrong.

Conner let himself walk into the boys room. Kian shut, and locked the door leaning against it to face the boy.

"Hi." Kian greeted still smiling like an idiot. Kian had grown to like the book worm. Whenever he came over he would read with him, or tell him about his latest book. Kian would always listen, and never fail to smile.

"Hi." Conner breathed out. Conner remembered why he was here.

"I won't be around for the next few days. Thought you should know." Kian furrowed his brows showing his growing concern.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, its Lita. The transformation is tonight. I have to be there for her, I'm sorry." Kian smiled walking away from the door grabbing the boys hands. Conner felt the blush grow at the back of his neck and cheeks.

"No need to apologize. I understand. Come around when you can, until then, be safe." Kian became serious staring into Conners eyes. Conner nodded still flushed and at a loss for words. Kian smiled, loving how awkward he could make Conner become.

Conner was new to everything while Kian was more expressed having a male partner years ago.

Kian barley taller then Conner. Conner cleared his throat not wanting to leave but knowing he had to.

"I have to go." He said quietly wishing he could stay longer. The two had grown so close over the few days. He didn't want to rush into anything, but he could stop himself.

Kian smiled once again nodding.

"Go be a protector." He let go of the curly boys hands stepping slightly off to the side. Conner nodded walking toward the door.

"I'll see you soon." Conner said once his hand met the door knob. Kian never let his bright charming smile fall.

"You better." Conner smiled opening and shutting the door with a gust of snow blowing in.

Kian sighed spinning around meeting his sister. He jumped back in surprise, but covered it up with a laugh.

"Who was that?" Blair inquired. She placed a hand on her hip.

"No one." Kian shrugged off walking past her letting his smile grow once again.


Lita sat up against a tree watching Kiara lick at the pond. She felt at peace for the first time since she left Obsidians side that morning. The birds were chirping, the snow was gently falling onto the ground.

She sat with one knee up resting her arm on it, letting the other leg stretch out.

She whistled signaling Kiara over. Kiara snapped up and sped toward the raven haired girl. She smiled staring into thr wolfs red eyes.

"Good girl." She whispered scratching the wolf behind the ears. She let her head rest on the tree feeling an overwhelming amount of sleep consume her. Before she even attempt to fight it her eyes shut.


Drystan smiled seeing his sister wake up. Lita snapped up being on her guard. Her eyes met Drystan who smiled wickedly.

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