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Lita walked out the bathroom pressing a towel to her damp hair. Her raven hair looked even darker after being wet.

Obsidian put down his book to admire the girl. Lita glanced up at him before looking back down to toss her towel into the basket.

She let out a sigh crawling into bed.

In a few minutes they had to go meet the others for the funeral. No one was looking forward to it.

"Hi." Lita smiled sleepily. Her eyes closing but she forced them open. He smiled down to her, opening his arms. She took the hint setting her head on his shoulder.

"You ready for this?"

"Not really." She replied fidgeting with the ends of her sleeves. Obsidian placed a hand over hers to stop them. She nodded taking a deep slow breath.

She didn't know Charlie very well. But he helped her, and he helped her father. He worked with him so she feels obligated to show her support, because her father would.

Lita moved her head so she was looking up at Obsidian.

"I've been meaning to ask..." She trailed off gaining his attention.

"Yes?" He smirked but it was close to a smile.

"When we were in the other world why were you so, aggressive with me. Aggressive isn't the word but-"

"You mean the slamming you against the wall things?" He finished off bluntly. She let out a breath laughing softly.

"Yea, that."

"Well, you brought something out in me. I was also an asshole back then. Some of it was just my emotions getting the better of me, other times I was figuring out why you did what you did." He explained never taking his eyes off her. She blushed smiling.

"How sweet." She said teasingly.

"Yea, yea I'm a romantic." He started to close the gap between them.

"Get over it." He whispered against her lips before connecting them.

Lita responded as soon as his lips met hers. He tightened his hold on her body to bring her closer. He pace was quick, and she had to match his.

He started to smile into it using one of his hands to lift her up, so he could place her on her back. He broke the kiss as he became top.

Lita didn't feel any fear spike in her chest. No turn in her stomach.

Breaking the kiss he trailed light kisses down her jaw, to her neck. Lita gasped under her breath clutching a fist at her side.

He found the sweet spot deffinatly leaving a mark. Lita bit her lip clutching her eyes shut. His hands gripped her hips to keep them there.

She raised a knee to touch it to his side riding up his shirt as she did.

Obsidian left marks on her neck before bringing his face back up, to look into her eyes.

"Beautiful." He complimented. She blushed but kissed him as a thank you.

One of her hands found its way to his hair lightly tugging on the back.

"Guys time to go." Along came a knock. Obsidian growled under his breath making Lita snicker. She got out from under him. Walking and answering the door Conner stood on the other side with the other three.

"Ready?" His eyes fell to her neck then behind her at Obsidian.

"Or do you need a few to finish this." He pointed at Obsidian with a knowing smirk.

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