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Lita sat on the window ledge watching the snow fall. It seemed to be always snowing in the North, it was cold but beautiful. Kiara started to growl making Lita turn and see Colby fearfully standing in the doorway.

She laughed and commanded Kiara down. The wolf reluctantly followed the order. Colby slowly walked into the room with an awkward laugh. Lita half heartedly smiled before turning back toward the window.

Colby sighed feeling his heart race pick up.

"I know you've noticed me ignoring you. I can't say it was an accident, because it isn't. I can't be in the same room with you without wanting-" He cut himself off when Lita looked over to him. Her honey eyes watching his every move. It made all his previous confidence leave.

"W-wanting to-just things. Look, on the ship when I told you how I felt, it never went away. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. I don't want to, but I also know you will never feel the same." Lita flushed in embarrassment.

"Colby-" She started sadly. Colby put up his finger telling her to wait, she nodded and let him speak.

"I'm not going to force you to feel the same because you will always be the Lita we found homeless on the streets. So, I'm going to just say it. I have to cut you off in order to get over you. I don't want to hear your input because if you'd say I shouldn't, I know I won't." He took a breath finishing his speech. He stared at Lita who looked down to the floor.

"If, its what you have to do, then do it. I'm not going to force you to watch me with the feelings you feel. And you're right, I cant feel the same because I don't know what you feel. I see you like a brother Colby. I can't do that. But, I respect your actions and know that I'll be here when you feel ready." She smiled sadly at him watching him turn and leave.

"Feelings are complicated." She muttered her hair falling into her face.



Hearing Colby confess I couldn't listen any more.  I quickly ran to my room shutting to door. I laughed at myself.

"You dumb fuck." I banged my palm against the door. I didn't need to hear the rest of what Colby said. He has feelings for her and she does for him.

I turned letting my head fall back onto the door. I pulled at my hair feeling like an absolute idiot. Pushing my head off the door I walked into my room, feeling a unrecognizable feeling settle in my stomach.

The mirror in the corner of my room made me freeze and look at my reflection. Suddenly I was a twelve year old boy again.


It was one of the few times the boys were allowed to go out into the village. Once a year they may go to the market and meet new people. Every year Obsidian would meet with the same little girl. Obsidan was twelve the others eleven.

She was a year younger then him and always waited for him. Rosaline Evans, petite girl. Flaming red hair and a kind and shy personality. Bright green eyes that seemed to know all your secrets.

Conner waved goodbye to the boy before running in his own direction. Obsidian smiled genuinely having no reason to not. He ran down the familiar alley to her garden where the pair always met.

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