5-We have to go now

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Lita woke up with no knowledge from what had happened between the guys.

"Wake up sleepy head." Colby groaned but made no attempt to get up.

"Get your grumpy ass up." He groaned and sat up.

"I'm up, I'm up."

"Yea five minutes later. We got to check out in a while. So before then I have to get stuff." Colby nodded. They were the only ones in the room, the others had gone to get breakfast.

"What stuff?" Lita grabbed her things before speaking.

"Food, clothes for us. That kind of stuff."

"Ok just don't take forever. Hey did you eat yet?" Lita shook her head.

"No I'm heading there now, you coming?" Colby said yes and they left the room.


Before they could even make it to the dining room a man blocked their path. Colby didn't want to take any chances so he pulled Lita to him and they hid around the corner. Her back against his chest, with his arm around her waist to keep her there.

She tried not to focus on the position the two were in. Which proved to be difficult.

She started to mumble in protest.

"Shhh he might be a hunter." Lita stopped. She reached for the dagger that was attached to her back, resting behind the back of her pants.

"I'm looking for a girl looks almost 18 has 4 guys with her. Black hair." The receptionist told him something that he didn't like since he raised his voice.

"Look ma'am she is my daughter she ran off with her friends and I need to get her back home." Lita pulled Colby's hand off her mouth.

"Yea okay." She mumbled. Colby chucked. He still had her against him.

"I'm sorry sir but that confidential." The women tested his patience. So he got rid of her.

"If you won't help me, I'll get her myself." Luckily he stared walking the opposite way so the pair wasted no time running off.

While they were running Lita ran into Conner.

"Hey Lita whats up?" He saw she was out if breath.

"A hunter is here, he killed the receptionist. Me and Colby ran but we need to leave now."

"Ok ok look you go to the room pack everything. I'll run back down and get the others we'll meet you back at the room."

Lita agreed and they ran to the room. They were no stranger to leaving in a hurry so they packed everything up in record time. The rest of the group got there and grabbed daggers and knives.

"Where did you park the car?"

"Uh by the door." Colby said. Lita nodded and she and the group left. The bad thing was is that the hunter had her exact description so she couldn't just walk pass him.

"Do we have a plan?"

"Yea not die." Colby hoped for a better answer then that from Lita.

"Oh Lita." The group stopped and turned around the corner to see the man walking down the hall.

"We need to hurry." Ace whispered.

Just as the group went to pass the hallway. The man stopped and smiled

"Hello there."

"Damnit." Ace mumbled. The groups only plan was to get to the car and not be spotted. It would be easier if there weren't other people around. Too many witnesses.

"Why so quiet? We have all been waiting to finally get you. But now that your almost 18 our orders have changed." Lita was now confused. Every other hunter that has come for her has said they are are told to kill on sight. Him saying its changed got her attention.

"Is your new orders to let us go because that would really make life easier." Lita said back. The others tried to get her to shut up but she won't listen.

"Very funny dear. No I'm supposed to take you and let him kill you. So first option you let me take you and your dogs don't get killed. Or option two I kill them and then still take you. Your choice princess." Lita laughed and stepped forward. They all reached forward to try and bring her back behind them but she waved them off.

"How about option three? I stay here and either you leave or you die. Your choice."

"Not gunna work sweetheart." While he was talking Lita took hold of her dagger and made sure she had a good grip.

"Dont call me sweetheart." Before he could respond the dagger was already heading for his head.

Point blank.

Lita quickly ran to the body and grabbed her dagger. She didn't grimice at the body or blood. He deserved it.

"We have to go now!" Lita nodded and ran with the rest.

The cops would arrive soon since a dead body in a hallway wouldn't go unnoticed. So the group left quickly.

 So the group left quickly

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