39-Was that boy me

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"They were you. So that man, was your Master." Colby nodded at the girl. Lita bit her lip and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Which one of you was punching the mirror?" Ace made a face and looked to Colby. Colby scratched the back of his neck.

"Obsidian he-uh its not my story to tell. You want to find about his childhood you'll have to ask him." Colby told her. She nodded and looked behind her to the door.

"I'm going to go talk to him." As she was walking away a hand was on her shoulder.

"Be careful, don't push him." Conner said with a soft smile. He took his hand off and walked back. Lita went to the door opening it with a creak.

Caspian was up at the top deck so his room was empty. Lita turned to the door leading to his room and knocked.

"Obsidian?" She heard shuffling on the other side before the door opened. Obsidian opened it with messy hair and a tired look.

"What?" Lita took a breath.

"Can we talk?" Obsidian shrugged and opened the door letting her in. Lita stepped into the room seeing his bed was messy-he must've been sleeping.

"Sorry if I woke you." Obsidian rubbed his hands on his face and chuckled then sat at the end of the bed. Lita was never nervous around him, she was rarely ever serious.

"Just get on with it." Lita nodded.

"I had a vision, I saw you and the guys when you were younger. When you learned about me and the Dark Ones." Obsidian sucked in a quiet breath. He knew what was coming.

"Then the vision changed and I saw a little boy punching a mirror destroying his hand. I guess what I'm asking is-"

"Was that boy me? Yea it was." Obsidian cut her off. Lita looked up meeting his dark eyes. She nodded. Obsidian sighed and ran his hand through his curls.

"My childhood wasn't rainbows. You of all people would understand that. So yea that was me. I dont know what you were expecting me to say. I did alot of shit I'm not proud of." Obsidian brushed it off and stood back up changing his shirt. Litas eyes widened and she diverted her eyes.

"So you beat the shit out of glass?" Obsidian looked over to her seeing she was looking down. He snickered and pulled on his shirt.

"Didn't think you cared darling." He put the mask back on.

"I dont, just thought I would ask." She laughed to herself.

Lita was about to walk out of the room feeling the conversation was over.

"Dont ask about my childhood again." Obsidian told her. Lita looked back at him and rolled her eyes walking out.



That asshole

I walked out of the room into the bright sunlight glaring at it.

"Well?" Colby asked me. I sighed.

"Hes a dick." Colby nodded at me.

"I didnt think I needed to tell you that." I smiled at him and walked past him.

I walked to the front of the ship. There was a barrel sitting there which served as a seat for me.

Can he ever be a decent person

I groaned and rested my head on my hand.

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