33-One thing

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"How is she?" Conner had been with Lita in the bedroom refusing to let anyone else in.

Conner looked up to see three sets if eyes looking at him.

"Shes awake and is willing to let you three in. Just, be nice." They nodded and followed Conner into the bedroom.

When they group left Sam they couldn't go back to the Inn from the night before so they found a new one. One that they specifically requested have a bedroom with a door. To allow Lita to heal in peace and quiet.

She didn't wake up for two hours. When she did she had groaned in pain and Conner rushed to her side. He immediately told her she was ok when she started to panic.

Lita bolted up and brought Conner into a hug.

"Its nice to see you." Conner laughed and wrapped his arms around her back still being gentle about the bruising.

After that she asked where the others were.

"Outside the door waiting. I wouldn't allow them to come in. Do you want them?" She nodded and sat up against the headboard.

She had bruising all on her face and red spots where the blood used to be. Conner said he had cleaned her up. Her hair was tied up out of her face. Her whole body still hurt like all hell. Every movement she would make would have to be slow.

Lita looked up from the bed to see the boys all walk in. She smiled at them leaning her head against the headboard.

"You look like hell princess." Colby remarked. She laughed and gestured to her face.

"I've probably looked better."

Ace sat on the armchair in the corner while Colby and Conner sat on the edge of the bed. Obsidian just stood leaning against the doorframe.

"I'm assuming you want the story." Lita voiced. She saw the guilty nod from Ace. She sighed before slowly sitting up straighter.

"I had went outside for some freshair when two guys came at me. I knocked one to the ground, but one came up from behind-he was the receptionist-his name was Sam. When I woke I was in a car moving to a wherehouse. The picked me up threw me into a chair tying me to it." As Lita spoke she had each of the boys attention. Each had the same look on their face, they held guilty. Obsidian had been hard to read but he felt it.

"Once they took the bag off my head two guys were infront one was behind me. Sam stood there slapped me, and said some shit. So I spit in his face. He then told the two goons to teach me a lesson. They punched, slapped, and kicked before Sam came back into the room. Then once again they knocked me out. When I woke up again I could barley move. Sam was being a dick and once he left I tried to think of anyway to get out of there. Then your voice echoed through my head." She pointed to Colby. His eyebrows furrowed together letting her continue.

"When you told me how my visions have a purpose, I tried to make one. And apparently I did since I brought Obsidian into one. Then I assume he told you what happened in that. Once I came out of it the drug they gave me to stop my strength wore off. Then I took the two guys out then got into a fight with Sam."

Colby nodded and stood up from the bed and stood to the side of the room.

"I'm glad your ok." Conner told her. She smiled and nodded at him.

"Also, do I have super strength?" She asked. Colby snapped up to her to see her already looking at him.

"Not super strength, but you are stronger then an average person. In other words you are strong enough to take on all of us. Would you win? I dont know. But you could hold your ground." He explained. She nodded and looked down at her hands.

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