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I walked out into the hallway hearing crying. Against my better judgment I followed it. It was coming from Litas room.

"Lita?" I called out knocking on the door. The door clicked and swung open. Lita was sat on the edge of her bed crying.

She mumbled something that I couldn't hear. I walked into the room feeling colder the further I went.

"Lita?" I went to touch her shoulder when she snapped at me.

"You did this!" She yelled. I stumbled back at the force from her voice. She didn't stop.

"You promised me! You're just a fucking LIAR!" She pushed me to the floor.

"I-what?" I shook my head as she towered over me. Tears were quickly streaming down her cheeks.

"You are nothing." She laughed. I gritted my teeth trying to force myself up, but my body wouldn't move.

"He is so much better then you. This little crush you have on me, its pathetic. Why would I, ever love someone like you? You're a monster! A physcopath who takes pleasure in people's fear!" Her voice got louder and louder. Her tears started to drip onto the floor.

She pushed her foot onto my chest pushing me flat on the ground.

"What did I do?" She laughed at my question.

"You broke my heart." She whispered lowering her face close to mine. My heart sped up my breathing becoming ragid.

"I did what?"

The room started to crack. The walls of her room crumbled to the floor.

"Goodbye Obsidian." She turned flipping her hair and walking away.

"Wait!" I yelled trying to reach for her. The floor around me cracked and started to cave in.

"No! No, wait!"

It gave in my body falling into the world below. Wind pushed against my face. My body hit the ground. I was on grass.

I slowly lifted my head looking around me. There was nothing. No sun, no clouds, no flowers or trees.

Her laugh.

I spun to see her walking away from me.

"Lita!" I yelled to her. She didn't hear me. Only slowed down. Another person appeared at her side taking her hand in his.

"Hi princess." I was speechless watching as her kissed the top of her hand.


He got down on one knee looking up at her.

"Lita Lovis, I love you. Will you do me the honor of being my beloved?" She gasped and seemed to stumble in her place.

I made an attempt to move to only look down and see my feet sinking in mud.

"I do." She answered.

"No!" I yelled angerly being consumed my the dark substance.

I fell again falling into darkness.


I gasped jolting awake. My chest was begging for air. I could feel the back of my head wet with sweat.

My door opened revealing a group of people.

"Obsidian?" They stepped into the room holding a candle to light up the dark room. It was Conner.

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