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The blacksmiths worked everyday creating swords, bows, arrows, armor, anything they thought could help. Barriers were placed all along the city. Roofs were covered in a metal sheet. Guards were patrolling the outskirts at all times.

They took every precaution and yet still felt like they will lose.

Lita was on edge. She felt like she should he doing something, she has the power to. She can feel him, but she can't get over her fears. She could easily leave and save the entire city by facing Drystan alone. But what would that do? So she stays in the mansion or up in the skys.

Obsidian wrote letter, after letter, note after note, he couldn't find the right words. It killed him to hear her crying out in the night, or the crashes of things in her room. He couldn't do anything. Fear. That's what kept him away. Litas screams for help was burned into his brain. It played every night before he fell asleep. He couldn't shake it.

Peter was thrown down into the newly made basement, and was to be dealt with when everyone had a chance to breathe. As of right now it'll be after Drystan. Lisa can barley handle the army now on her own, and the group doesn't want to push her with the Peter situation.

"Hi Lisa." Lita softly greeted picking prices off some bread as lunch.

"Hello." Lisa sighed in response. Her blonde hair was braided tightly behind her back.

"You going to train?" Lisa asked. Lita hummed in question but then remember the sword on her hip.

"Going to try a new tactic." Lisa nodded covering her mouth as she yawned.

Lita threw away the butt of her bread walking out the back door. The training grounds were empty.

She was going to try and use her powers and sword at the same time. If she can do it she doesn't know.

"Here we go." She shrugged off the cloak letting it fall into the snow.

Focusing her energy on the air around her a wave of black blasted out but stayed, hovering in the air. Lita smiled unsheathing her sword raising it to her hip.

Using her energy while getting into fighting stance she basically fought herself.

Throwing everything back at herself her sliced it while keeping a barrier on her back.

Repeating this over, and over. Adding more moves and getting it down to a rhythm.

Quickly switching her hands she blocked the oncoming ball of power, while using the other she yelled throwing her hand up. The snow lifted up into the air before Lita closed her hand into a fist, making it exploded like freshly falling snow.

Lita huffed putting down her defenses. She laughed ignoring the heavy feeling in her arms while trying to put her sword away. After working out for so long the cold didn't even bother her enough to put on her cloak.

"Lita." Her smile quickly fell. She briefly glanced at him before looking away. She tried walking away when she just heard him follow.

"Obsidian I can't-"

"He threatened me. I watched you die over, and over. I heard your screams for help-for me. He said I had to break you, make you weak otherwise he'll kill you." Lita froze.

She turned lifting her eyes to meet his. She searched for any sign if lying, but there was none. It was the truth.

"My brother threatened you?" She shouldn't be surprised.

"I wanted to tell you as soon as I woke up but I-I was terrified. I didn't mean a word I said except for-"

"That you love me." She finished off, her walls falling. Her heart melting hearing the strain in his voice. Every muscle in her body was begging to feel him.

"Yeah." He sighed nodding. His hand was fidgeting at his side. His eyes were avoiding hers. This was hard for him.

The snow crushed under her moving foot.

"Look at me." She whispered. He did. His dark eyes finding her honey ones once again. He smiled just a tiny bit feeling such relief in the forgiveness in her eyes.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked in the moment. She didn't even respond before she pressed her lips to his.

Immediately he wrapped his arms around her lifting her off her feet She squealed laughing. She kissed him harder holding his neck.

He broke away to let her down. He bent forward tucking hair behind her ear to show her blushing face.

"I love you." She blurted.

He tensed, his eyes shooting to hers.

"You what?"

"Love you." She repeated with just as much emotion as before. He seemed dumbfounded to hear those words fall from her lips.

"Say it again." He said holding her hands. Laughing she kissed his lips softly.

"I love you Obsidian." He smiled kissing her again with force and love.


They love eachother. They feel the most emotion one can feel. After everything they've been through they made it.


"I love you Lita Lovis-Black." He always said her full name finding it beautiful.

Like her.

Awww sweet little make up chapter xoxo

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