46-The transformation

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23 years ago...

Five days pased with drystan living in the woods waiting for his so called transformation. He didn't know that the night he went to sleep the night before his birthday, he would get a painful wake up call.

Drystan was pulled awake by a pain spreading in his chest. He sucked in a breath as it felt like he just got stabbed. The sun was just rising meaning he just turned eighteen.

He let out a short scream as the pain spread from his chest to his legs. He went to stand but it felt like his legs were on fire making him fall to his knees.

The pain went up his legs making it to his arms down to his hands. He wouldn't know how to describe it. All he knew that it was thousands of hot knives piercing his skin, muscle, and bone, over and over again.

He looked down at his hands barley being able to move them seeing them shaking. When he attempted to close his fist pain shot up his arm.

"Fuck!" He cursed as it now went to his back hitting every nerve. His mind was on overdrive trying to keep him calm and not disturb the whole forest.

His spine felt like it was cracking then snapping together. Drystan fell catching himself with his hands. He stared at the ground wishing it to be over when it only just begun.

A scream bubbled at his throat begging to be realased as the pain finally made it to his head. He bit his lip to hole it in, his lip started to bleed from the force.

His skull was banging on his skin begging to be let out. He couldn't do anything to stop it. He had to make it through to complete it.

Suddenly it went from ten to one thousand real quick. Drystan couldn't hold it in any longer. He let the scream rip his throat as a tear was forced out. His fists clenched as it continued.

It never stopped it wouldn't pause. His organs were screaming and ripping.

"Make it stop!" He yelled. His voice was dry and ripped. The pain contuied to stab him and burn him.

Drystan felt like he was laying there for hours. The ground was disturbed from all his manic movements. Then it stopped. The pain fading slowly away.

Drystan was out of breath from the screams, from holding them in, all of it.

"Is it over?" He asked the world. Drystan was shakily sitting up when it started out but it wasn't the same as before. This time he felt the fire. The burn to be let out.

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