62-A mile or so

81 2 4

Lita nodded to the words Conner was telling her. Shortly after she and Caspian met the rest of the group found the girl as well.

Colby handed the girl the sword and the bag of armor. She trialed her hand across the metal. The gold glinted in the sunlight.

"Whats the cloth?" The questioned.

"A piece of your mother's dress. Apparently she gave to you as a symbol that she would always be with you." Colby answered the girl. Lita felt a pull at her heart looking at the cloth.

Putting the sword on the table, she reached for the zipper on the bag. Inside were all the pieces of the black armor. She picked up the chest plate feeling the weight. The metal was cool and smooth.

"They're beautiful." She muttered. Her honey eyes were filled with admiration.

"Why isn't there a helmet?" The girl asked looking in the bag for the missing piece.

"They didn't make one. They thought that you would have hid enough, you shouldn't have to hide in your own armor." Conner told her. She nodded rubbing her thumb across the ingrave of a phoenix.

"Whats going to happen, when we get there?" She clarified. Colby sighed sitting down next to her.

"Honestly, I don't know." He told her. She snickered nodding.

"So helpful." She said with a scarcastic tone.

"Oh and Drystan entered my mind again." The silence after her words was very loud.

"He what?" Ace spoke.

"He connected to my mind got into my dreams. Showed me Matthias, he's looking for the sanctuary." She shrugged.

"Well does he know where it is?" Conner pushed. All three sets of eyes were staring at the girl.

"No, at least he didn't seem to."

"Good, if he finds out where it is he will come straight for you." Conner continued. She nodded having known that already.

"I'm going to go back to my room." Lita stood up making her way toward the door. A soft grip on her wrist made her turn.

"You wanna talk tonight? Like old times?" He suggested. She let a small smile pull onto her lips.

"Yea, that sounds nice." She gave him a tight lipped smile before he let go of her wrist.


Obsidian looked up from his book seeing the raven haired girl walk through. Quickly he tossed the book under his bed. Lita turned at the noise.

"Oh, sorry I didn't know you were in here." She apologized. She placed a lock of hair that fell put of place behind her ear again. The boy didn't responded he just narrowed his eyes to her.

"Would it have stopped you?" He challenged. He sat up now sitting on the edge of the bed. She laughed shaking her head.

"Probably not, no." Lita started toward her door when he stepped in her way. She looked from the bed to him.

"You move fast."

He smirked.

"Only when I want to darling." She nodded and tried to push past him. He blocked her path. She sighed in annoyance.

"What?" She spat.

"Nothing, I just like to see you get all flustered and annoyed." He shrugged. She rolled her eyes distancing herself from him.

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