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If someone had told Peter a year ago that this would be were he was, he probably wouldn't have believed you.

Currently, he stood at the end of the alter, waiting for the love of his life and best friend to meet him whilst they only had 7 people stood with them, well 8, if you include the officiant.

But it hadn't always been the plan. Exactly a week ago, nearly 150 people were coming to see them get married...

MJ and Peter had both been in bed that morning at 6 am, hoping to get a few more hours sleep before Peter would get called away by Hill, telling him he was needed in an extra meeting. An hour after that MJ would have to be up and back at the school where she taught the kids both English and Art.

But that never happened.

Infact, 6 am on the dot, a continuous banging came at their apartment door, Peter grumbling, telling MJ to stay in bed, got up and slowly made his way to the door.

"I swear to god, Sam if this is you." Peter said before opening up the door. But it wasn't Sam. Infact it was MJ's mother. His future mother-in-law.

"Good. You're up. Now, go and wake her up. Where is she? Get her up. We have work to do." She demanded.

"Mrs Jones, it's 6 am. What are you doing here?" Peter asked, just wanting to go back to bed.

"Her wedding is in a week and I am not having your family ruining my plans. It's bad enough she said yes to you, let alone actually going through with the idea."

That was when MJ came round the corner, having placed one of Peter's hoodies on. "Mom! What are you doing here?"

MJ clearly not having heard the conversation that had just taken place, stood in complete shock, trying to contain her anger from being woken up at 6 am by her controlling mother.

"What have I told you before Mitchie. If you are going to marry him, you are going to do it properly." Her mother might as well have spat in both MJ and Peter's faces. It had been clear from day one that MJ's mother never really liked Peter. MJ had questioned whether her own mother actually liked her. But, she was - is her mother at the end of the day, no matter how hard she tries to stay away from her and her frequent controlling.

"Mom, I don't need help in planning. Nat and I, we have it under control." MJ said.

"Oh no! I am not having some..." Her mother searched for her words. "Russian psychopathic murderer planning your wedding."

"Hey!" Peter shouted. "Natasha isn't a psychopathic murderer."

"Be careful Mitchie, you don't want an angry husband." Her mother warned.

"Leave Peter alone." MJ warned. "Mom, stop with the folders okay." MJ said, stepping forward and placing her hands over the multiple folders of her mothers idea of MJ's and Peter's wedding. "Natasha and I, we've planned everything okay? Everything is sorted and we're getting married in a week, okay? So, please take your folders and go home. If you still want to come to the wedding, I suggest you leave now because I'm not having anyone offend the people who I call family, understood?"

But her mother didn't listen. She never would. Within a week, somehow, her mother had managed to change EVERYTHING MJ and Natasha had planned, down to even MJ's wedding dress which Wanda and Natasha had made together since MJ wasn't feeling so great in wearing puffy ballgown.

Somehow, her mother had even changed the vail that Betty had managed to find for MJ.

The morning of their wedding, when they both arrived at the compound, they found everything in different colours from what they had both picked. The wedding flowers had changed from Dhalias to daisies and sunflowers. The menu had even been changed so now that all was for options was some fancy soup and some dish that absolutly no-one liked.

More and more trollies were rolled in with incorrect items, but they couldn't be taken back since the whole order had been done and wasn't exchangable. The team were in a frantic and MJ's brother, who had managed to escape their mother in the hotel, was confused. This wedding, it was meant to be about Peter and MJ, not...her mother.

A new wedding dress was brought in, one which even turned May's stomach.

"Do you think?" Peter asked, not even having to finish his question.

"Oh, I know so." MJ said, she could feel the anger heating up in her stomach.

The last year had possibly been worse than the majority of MJ and Peter's time together. They loved one another, and nothing would ever change that, but as soon as Peter met MJ's mother, that was when they found out how much MJ's mother really, truely hated Peter. For months on end, they would be getting call after call from her mother saying she'd set up dates with other men for MJ, she even set some for Peter.

Once she found out they were engaged, that was when she tried to destroy the entire couple. She started telling things, or telling other people. Then she started inviting multiple people who MJ didn't even know, let alone Peter. She kept saying, 'it's good for the cause.'

The next few hours were filled with angry calls, joyous mother's who made the devil look like an angel. But that was when opportunity struck.

Both Peter and MJ were sat in the stairwell, MJ between Peter's legs, her back and head lay on Peter's chest. They sat there, wondering what to do when Peter heard a door, possibly from the level above open then close. Then he heard footsteps, heels running down the concrete stairs.

"Still want to get married today?" Wanda asked them.

Peter and MJ looked towards one another. What had she planned?

All three of them running up the stairs, Wanda continued to explain their plan. "Nat and Steve are already there. We've spoken to your brother and he's going to stall your mom for as long as he can. He's okay with not going, as long as you're happy with the plan, then he's happy for you. May's already on board and we have an officiant already there. Steve is going to drop you off though." Wanda told MJ. "You'll get there in time and Jackson should get there just before you do MJ."

That was when Wanda slid open the door, an air jet and Steve ready on his motorbike waiting. "You ready?"

MJ and Peter both thanked Wanda, hugging her too. Natasha had already packed MJ's actual dress, the one that had been made for her, in his motorbike and Peter had his suit on on the jet.

Jackson managed to stall his mother as long as he could before pulling both Bucky and Sam into it who thankfully took care of the situation. Natasha quickly hopped into her car, pulling up just outside the compound long enough for Jackson to hop in.

3 hours later, everything was ready. MJ was waiting outside of the doors, her brother stood next to her whilst Steve kissed her on the cheek, as did Ned before they walking inside, rushing down to stand beside Peter.

"You ready?" Jackson asked MJ.

MJ nodded. Even though she wasn't one for a sappy romance, she loved Peter and she'd walk through any sappy romance just to save him.

Looping her arm with her brothers whilst her hands held onto a small boque of Dhalia's, the music started as the doors opened.

They only had a few people. Ned and Steve stood behind Peter whilst May was sat in the front row along with Natasha. Even though the whole team weren't there, Natasha had thankfully already set up a camera to record the whole thing so they could watch it when they got back.

It might not have been what they had firstly planned, but (even though not everyone was there) it was them, saying what they'd been dying to say since they had first said "I love you."

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