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MJ works for Shield, as does Peter.

It had been almost 3 months since Peter and some other Shield agents managed to find MJ and bring her back home.

She'd been sent out on a 5 month mission, however, 3 months in had gotten caught and then held captive for information. Information that she never gave over.

The doctor's, once they released her told her to take it easy and that she would be able to get back to work with some careful training since what they had done to her would take a longer time to heal should she not be taking it carefully.

However, MJ made sure Peter never found out about the biggest wounds she'd been given. He knew about her gun shot wound and a few others, but nothing that ever appeared from underneath her clothing.

Currently, MJ was at Ned and Betty's, helping them fix a few things since she was growing restless at even the thought of having to stay in bed.

Except, as she was walking back towards their house from the back-yard, she slipped. She landed directly onto her back into a patch of mud which managed to cover practically every inch of her shirt.

"Shit." MJ whispered as she got up.

"MJ? Christ! Are you okay?"

MJ nodded, walking up to the house. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

"Well, let me get you a fresh shirt. I think Betty's still got some of your old one's here."

MJ nodded a thankyou before following Ned towards the store room where the dryer was still spinning. However, as MJ removed her shirt with less then ease, Ned gasped.

"MJ? Jesus! What did they do to you?"

MJ ignored him as she placed a fresh shirt over her head and pulled it down her torso. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it."

What Ned had seen was something he only ever saw happen to people in his old history books. A branding. A large circular red branding was still prominant on her right shoulder blade, reaching to her shoulder.

"Does Peter know?" Ned asked, watching as MJ walked back into the kitchen.

"No. And he never will. You cannot tell him."


She cut him off. "You. Can. Not. Tell. Him."

Ned finally nodded. "Okay."

"Tell him what?" Betty asked as she entered.

"Nothing." MJ said quickly. "Nothing at all."

However, as time passed, Betty noticed how more painful it looked for MJ to move her arm or her shoulder. There was something she wasn't telling her. But it wouldn't be long before Betty would find out.

Almost a month later, MJ had come to the end of her training with Natasha and was finally allowed out on another mission.

"MJ? Are you sure you want to go? I've seen you fight and-"

MJ cut Natasha off. "I can't stay in training for the rest of my life and Shield needs help."

"Yes, but they need help from people who won't get hurt."

MJ smiled. "I'm fine. I feel fine. And I'm gonna be fine."

Natasha nodded. She knew how determined MJ was and how well she could fight. "Okay."

Quickly, MJ made her way to the jet where she was just about to board until Peter came running up to her. "MJ, wait!"

"If you're about to talk me out of this-"

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