Home For The Holidays 4

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A few more days passed and Peter still hadn't called. He'd tried to. He'd even diled the number a few times, but if anyone picked up, it was usually the babysitter for Daisy.

Peter was still trying to process the fact that he was a dad and had a daughter and was also still in love with MJ.

It was a school afternoon. Peter had left his classroom around half three and had been wondering around the entire streets of New York for an hour or so. He'd found a back ally and swung to his favourite spot in New York. It was ontop of a building just on the outskirts of the city.

He'd visited the spot a few times when him and MJ broke up. It was the only place he could allow his mind to wonder free.

Whilst he sat on top of that building, he pulled a photo from his pocket. He'd found it in a photo album in Morgan's room. She was the one who gave him the picture.

It was a picture of MJ and Daisy at a carnival in the summer.

Peter smiled as he looked down at the photo in his hands. He has a daughter.

Just as he was about to take his phone out to dial a certain number, Morgan's icon came up. Swiping across, he pulled the phone to his ear.

"Hey Morgan. What's up?" He asked, calmy.

"You're gonna want to get to the compound."

"Why? What's happened?"

Morgan let out a breath. "Daisy's missing."

Within 15 minutes, Peter was at the compound. He landed on the roof, rushing down the stairs towards the lounge. He rushed through the garage and down the stairs. Across the hall and through the reception. Running to the lift, he took the stairs, running at full speed.

By the time he got to the lounge, he was completly out of breath.

Natasha spotted him in the hall and rushed him into the living room where he saw the team, May and...MJ.

"MJ." Peter said, shocked.

MJ quickly stood up, wiping the tears away.

"Hi Peter."

Peter said nothing but stepped towards her and pulled her into a hug. Whatever he was going to say, whatever else was happening in this world, that wouldn't matter. All that mattered was finding Daisy.

"We're going to find her." Peter told MJ.

MJ simply nodded. Her words were lost.

Tony soon started speaking, explaining their plan.

"All we know is that MJ, you both got of the plane 6 hours ago. As of 2 hours ago, Daisy has gone missing. They've searched the entire hotel and all the hotspots. We've checked the secuirty cameras and by the looks of it, she took a wander for herself, rather than someone taking her. The last time she was seen was on the security footage of-"

Suddenly, Friday cut him off. "Sorry Boss, but new footage has just come in."

They rolled the footage and saw a small child crossing the busy streets of New York.

"Where's she going?" Peter asked.

"Well, this way only leads to three directions. The Highschool of MidTown Tech, The Public Library and Central Park." Friday replied.

"She could be any one of these places." Natasha said.

An idea suddenly struck Peter. He knew himself and he knew MJ. And with their brains placed in one person, the method of thinking was as such.

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