A Kiss To Recover

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Part 3


Peter's recovery was taking longer than expected. One of his older wounds had opened back up, and if he took any large movements, there was a chance he'd rip it open once again.

Fury was annoyed that one of his best agents couldn't get back on the field for maybe over the next year. He'd be able to find out facts but wouldn't be able to do the rest of the action that came with being on a mission.

Clint and the rest of the team checked in on Peter every day, making sure he was okay. He'd be lying through his teeth but they knew.

Peter was able to move slightly, so he'd managed to put on a pair of fresh clothes after a shower. But it still hurt.

But it didn't hurt as much as his mind did.

For the past 4 weeks, Peter's mind had been going crazy.

Clint's words still rung in his ear, more loudly than ever. He was in love with Mj.

All he could ask himself was what was he going to do? Even though Clint had said that she loved him back, what if she didn't? What if she hated every inch of his being, but since she didn't exactly want to see someone die, she was just being nice to him.

"How's it going?" Clint asked, as he walked inside.

"Have you ever felt so much pain that you thought it might kill you?" He asked, turning to look at him.

Clint's brows furrowed. Why did he have a feeling Peter wasn't just talking about the physical pain he was in?

"You still haven't told her?" Clint asked, shocked.

He knew, the whole team knew. Peter loved MJ, he probaby had done since they met. She loved him, there would never be any denial in that...other from the pair.

Peter didn't even have to shake his head, Clint knew.

"Why not?" Clint exasperated, sitting down beside Peter's bed.

"I...I don't know. It's just, every time I go to tell her, either she gets a call or a doctor walks in, or my mind is screaming at me to not tell her. To keep it a secret and take it to the grave."

Clint could see the pain in Peter's eyes. He was hurting. He needed to tell Mj. And if he didn't do it soon, then there was a chance he'd never tell her.

"It's like the Universe is giving me a sign. What if I do tell her, and then it ruins everything. Every mission, briefing or anything else where we have a chance at seeing eachother? Clint-"

Clint sighed. "Peter look at me. I was in the same boat as you petrified of admitting my feelings for Laura. Afraid that if I said anything to her she'd reject me, but I did it anyway."

Peter closed his eyes as he shook his head. "That's..different. Both of us have the same job, we see each other everyday-"

"Meaning that you both know how each other works. You know what she likes and what she doesn't like, and visa versa. Peter. This is your chance."

Peter lay his head back down with a huff. "Yeah, my chance at ruining it."

"Ruining what?" A voice asked as they walked in.

Michelle walked in as she spoke. Both Peter and Clint flustered for a moment, sharing a shock yet worried look. However, Clint's read more 'Do it! Tell her now!'

Meanwhile, Peter read more...'Shit! Did she hear what we said before?!?'

"Er...nothing." Peter quickly said, unable to think of anything else.

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