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Requested by NeveahCole

It was around 6 pm when MJ turned up at May's apartment in search of Peter.

"Come on through, he's just in his room." May smiled, allowing MJ through the door.

"Thank you."

Slowly, MJ made her way down towards Peter's bedroom, being careful not to drop her things that were bundled in her arms.

She was told 2 weeks ago that she needed to do a real-life photography project, except, her original plan didn't exactly execute very well and she'd lost all hope until she spotted Peter playing basketball. That was when the idea came to her.

She knocked twice on Peter's door before she heard him call out that it was open. When she opened it, his room hadn't much changed since she was last there with Ned a few weeks ago. Not that she was exactly expecting it to have changed.

"MJ." Peter said, slightly shocked.

"Hi. I- I need your help."

Peter stood up, walking over to her. "With what? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's just...I need you."

"I'm sorry?" Peter asked concerned.

"My photography class. I was meant to do a real-life outdoor thing, but then that didn't work out so I was hoping you could be, well, my model. It will only be for class and no one other than myself and my teacher."

Peter groaned, he always hated having his picture taken. He was never any good at it and it always came out like he was about to be threatened by some kind of alien cat if he didn't.


"Please, Peter. It's worth 60% of my final grade. Please?"

Peter suddenly felt himself begin to panic. "What- What about Ned? Or- Or Betty. What about Flash? I'm sure he'd be up for it. Please, just, don't make me do it."

"Peter, please. I promise, no one will find the photos and I - I won't threaten you for a week."

"Yeah, you will."

"Yeah, I will." MJ sighed. "Look, please. Just do this one thing. Please Peter."

Peter thought on it for a moment and longer. He hated having his photo taken. But, he didn't want MJ to be hurt ot fail.

"Argh...fine. Okay, yes. But you owe me. Big time."

MJ smiled. "Thank you. Okay, and I promise, no one else will see the photos."

"Be sure to send me some copies." May said as she passed the door.

"I will." MJ smiled.

The next day, Peter met MJ at the disclosed location she had text him which was basically just a space where only she knew and no one else from the school did.

"MJ?!" Peter shouted out as he walked inside. They was at some wearhouse that had been shut down years ago and had been cleared out. It was also closer to the beach, so Peter had no idea if she was just plotting his death or what...

Peter made his way outside and removing his glasses before looking over the cliff to see if he could see MJ on the beach since she had texted him around 8.

That was when he heard a flash of a camera and spotted MJ on the beach, examining her photo. "Wow." she said to herself before she climbed back up the smaller hill to reach him.

Peter helped her up back onto the top of the hill as she got closer so they could finally get on with the shoot and he could try and deal with the embarrassment that he believed was just around the corner.

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