Love For A Wedding

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For the past 5 minutes, Bucky had been running in and out of the compound trying to find a way to tell Peggy and Steve the truth.

Today was finally their wedding day.

Steve had proposed to Peggy just after Ultron. He was going to do it before however they got interupted by the robot.

But finally, they were tying the knot.

"Bucky, you've been pacing in and out for a while, are you sure you're okay?" Peter asked as he came downstairs.

"No." Bucky sounded panicked. "The wedding is ruined. The venue just called, the bomb squad has turned up. They got a call from a worker saying a man in a black mask came inside with a heavy bag and then left and something was glowing inside."

"Holy shit." Peter let out.

Of all the days for something to happen!

"Have you told Steve or Peggy?" Peter asked.

"Not yet. That's what I've been trying to do for the past half an hour. It took me 20 minutes to just get into the building. I don't know what I'm meant to do. Steve trusted me to take care of things today. So did Peggy. Sam's down there now trying to find out if they'll be done at somepoint today."

"Okay, okay. Well, we'll just have to keep them distracted for a while." Peter offered.

"How though? Steve's coming down here in less than 20 minutes. Nat and the others don't have a clue in what's going on since you and Sam are the only people who I've told. Oh, god. They're gonna kill me."

"They're not going to kill you." Peter told him. "Look, I'll make a couple of calls, you just get hold of Sam and find out when they'll be done."

"No need." Said a voice jogging over. "They've said that there isn't a chance they'll be done today. They've just cleared out every building within a 9 block radius." Sam explained.

"So the wedding?" Bucky asked.

"It won't be held at that venue tonight." Sam said, deflated.

"What are we going to do?" Bucky asked.

Suddenly Natasha came running down the hall. "I don't think that's going to be our only problem." She said. Friday had told her everything. "Peggy's dress."

"Oh, no. What's happened?" Sam asked.

"Well apparently, over night a buglary happened at the dress store. Dresses tore up, most expensive one's stolen. Peggy's wasn't touched but it has been destroyed in the mess left behind."

"Oh no."

Over the next hour more and more problems seemed to pop up. Sam's youngest cousin came down with the flew over night so couldn't be the flower girl. The cake maker got stuck in traffic due to everything being cut off due to the bomb. This also meant most guests also called to say they might not make it since the traffic probably wouldn't clear up until late that night.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asked.

Then it hit Peter.

"I have an idea. Nat, come with me. Sam, head to the bottom store of the compound. There should be tables and chairs aswell as decorations and lights which we can hang up. Bucky, spread the word to everyone who can make it to the wedding. The wedding can be held here. Also, call Tony, we're gonna need his help."

Peter and Nat ran off towards the car whilst everyone else got to work. They had waited long enough for these two to be married, they wouldn't be waiting any longer.


3 hours later, they had gotten the cake to the compound since Peter swung over to collect it whilst Nat worked with May and MJ to find a wedding dress for Peggy.

When MJ went back to her home where her parents raised her, she found an entire closet filled with clothes which had never been worn. Most of them evening gowns, but 30% of them were white, so they could at least find something.

It was aproaching the time of the wedding, and thankfully, with Wanda's help of magic, they managed to get the decorations up in time.

Natasha and May ran towards Peggy's room. They had found a dress.

It seemed to have a very 40's style touch which suited Peggy to a T.

It cut off just below the knee and had the slightly flowy touch og the 40's. They also managed to pick up a veil from May's apartment. It had been the one May had worn at her own wedding. It was just the right length aswell. Thankfully, Peggy already had her shoes so they was one less thing to worry about.

All that was left now was for the wedding to happen...

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