Long Lost Love II

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The next morning, MJ woke up to a banging coming at her door. She gathered she must have fallen asleep since she didn't remember much from the night before other than crying and Natasha coming in and saying nothing, just holding her in a secure hug.

As she opened up the door, Clint was stood on the other side, his expression exasperated.

"He's alive."

Meanwhile, earlier that morning, Natasha had woken up on MJ's sofa and decided to go and get each of them some coffee and breakfast. However, as she did, she had taken a few turns out of the coffee shop before she spotted some kind of black figure in a local shop window before feeling something hit the back of her head.

By the time she woke up, she felt around her. She was standing up, but she was strapped into something. A soft whirring sound came around and her head lobbed before she managed to get a bit of strength again, lifting up her head and opening her eyes.

A section of her hair lay infront of her face, whilst her eyes were still watering. But she could hear someone beside her. Her ears were still ringing but she could tell, whoever it was, was in destress.

"Just let her go! Please!"

The voice sounded familiar before before she could clear her eyes, she heard someone mumble something in italian before hearing grunts and screams from the familar voice.

"Oh, look who's up." She heard a cunning voice smile.

Natasha focused her gaze on a man dressed in black in front of her. He looked no different than a random stranger, other than he held a gun in his hand. The man turned and nodded to some other man who switched off the electrocution machine that must be threaded throughout the cages they'd been placed in to contain them.

"Natasha Romanoff." The man smiled in a cunning and astonished breath. "I knew we'd find you one day."

"Who the hell are you?" Natasha demaned.

The man smiled again. "Who? Me? Oh, I thought you would have remembered."

"Do I look like I remember you?" Natasha questioned him sarcastically.

The man just chuckled. "I was fighting you that day, whilst the rest of my team was in Washington dealing with your little protoge."

Natasha furrowed her eyebrows before looking to the side of her. The man who'd been shouting looked familar and then it finally clicked with her. "Peter?"

Peter pulled his head up forcefully as the rest of body was tensing against the lower shocks of electric.

"Ye-es." The Italian said in a sing song voice. "He's alive."

"What the hell did you do to him!" Natasha demanded.

Italian smiled. "Oh, we've just give him a couple of little shocks. We've had him here for a while. It's been fun watching as he went from a tortured teenager to a 23 year old tortured human being." He smiled sickly.

"Let.Him.Go." Natasha told him.

"Oh, lovely - you know we won't."

Whilst Natasha kept the conversation going between both her and the Italian, she felt around her fingers for her mother's ring. It was one she was given before taken to the red room. When she joined Shield, she modified a tracker inside of it. She tapped morse code against the small scanner, just praying it would appear up on Shield's files and walls.

"Why did you take him?" Natasha asked.

"Well, since you'll be dead within the next hour, I might as well tell you." The Italian started off. "We knew that there had to be some way to get through to the Avengers, the boss's main point being wanting to destroy you there and then. But, then, once I killed him, I made a plan of my own. Now, destroying the Avengers and Shield would be a big task, so, I thought I'd start off small - take one of your own if you will. But, it wasn't until we had his blood tested that we found out that infact he was an Avenger himself, so I change the plan. By the havok it caused, I knew it wouldn't be long before one of you would try and find him."

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