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Running throughout the halls of HQ, Peter could see multiple agets rattling around everywhere, bumping and running into one another, hurring to do the jobs they were paid to do.

That was when one of his fellow soldiers bumped into him, them in a cold sweat of fright. "They're here. They're here." He kept repeating.

"Who? Who's here?" Peter asked him. Even if he had to get to work, the Avengers didn't know who he was, and Hydra certainly didn't know who he truly was.

"The Avengers."

"Where?" Peter asked him.

"The sky? Every exit we have." The soldier told him. "I -- I don't want to die. I have a family. It's why I took this job, I -- I just wanted to provide."

Peter nodded, his hands squeezing the side of the soldier's shoulders. "It's okay. Take the exit under the basement. You'll come up at the other end of the woods. Understood? Mary would want you alive, so would Izzy." Peter told him, speaking of Charlie's wife and baby girl.

Charlie just nodded and ran past Peter. Charlie was truthful when it came to his word. Peter could trust him enough to know that he'd be safe, as would everyone else.

Peter contiued running throughout the building. He faced a few of the higher agents who was getting ready in a room, to face the Avengers and take them down with the weapons they'd been creating for the past couple of years.

Peter took them all out. They didn't get a word in edge wise before Peter hit them across their heads, knocking every single one of them unconcious. Looking around, he spotted a few items on a timer. He disabled them within minutes before running to other rooms and closer to the fight outside.

Meanwhile, Steve was running further into the building, taking down Hydra as he did so. But that was when he came to the room Peter had left moments before. Every agent was down. Everything was off.

"Watch yourselves. We may have a unsecure on our hands." He said, pressing comms.

"Understood, Cap."

As Clint made his precisions on firing the arrow towards the south west of the building, he spotted agents through a window. They were practically getting thrown around the room before he then spotted a man dressed in either a black casual clothes, however, he had a black army belt around his waist, probably with a medical supply or extra bullets or tazers. But he was beating up his own team?

Clint never spotted his face, but he could see the back of his head. Brunette, and slightly noticable curles, slightly. Something rang familiar in his brain, but he knew he'd never met the man before, let alone seen his face. But he had seen the back of his head before, but where? He couldn't tell you.

Clint shot the arrow as the man left in the oppsite direction out of the door.

The fight continued for up to an hour but as them came towards the end, Wanda was stood firing her powers towards mutiple people and opposing agents. However, as she was casting her powers, protecting Natasha, Natasha turned round and looked behind her before yelling her name.

Wanda turned round, but before she could even lift a finger, whatever it was that Hydra had, it was fired. Directly towards her.

But something happened. Before she was hit with some electrical bullet thing, someone came crashing into her, causing both her and the strangers to roll across the dirt of the ground. By the time she looked back up, she had a brunette male leaning on top of her slightly.

"You okay?"

Wanda had a very confused look on her face. "Yes."

Peter looked over and around them both. As he stood up, he helped her up from the ground. "They'll be more of them. Coming from the other side of the wood. You want to stop them? Then you've got to fire that at them. It paralyses the body long enough for someone to come and collect them."

Wanda looked up to the machine that nearly killed her. "Okay."

"Barton will know how the use it. It's not that far from the tech used in his training rooms."

Wanda nodded. "Okay. But first - Who are you?"

"Someone chosen to protect The Avengers. Now go, before they get here."

Peter ran off in the opposite direction, leaving Wanda to fly both her and Barton up to the machine before they began to work it.

"Maybe Shield? But I've never seen him before." Wanda explained to Clint.

"Well, we can worry about that later. Right now, we have to trust his word on this."

On the opposite side of the building, Steve and Natasha were fighting against some Hydra agents who were attacking worse than the others.

It came down to the last two, however, as Steve took one out, the other locked Natasha in a way which no one could get out off, not unless you'd been trained by Hyrda.

"Don't worry, Captain. She'll be okay, as long as you lower your shield." He told him.

Natasha continued to struggle againt the man's grip. "Rogers." She choaked out.

"You fire at me, Captain. And I fire at her. Sound like a good deal?" He asked. But, before Steve or Natasha could answer. A voice came from the right of Natasha. A tall brunette, stood with a gun up in one steady hand.

"Not really." A second later, Peter fired the gun and the man dropped down. Natasha fell forward and gasped for air.

Steve looked from Natasha and towards the brunette who then placed the gun back in its holder before rushing to Natasha's side, helping her up. "You okay?" Peter asked her. She nodded.

"I'm fine."

Peter rubbed a hand on her back. "There might be some bruising, but they'll be redness there for a few hours, a day at the most."

"Who are you, son?" Steve asked him.

"Someone chosen to watch your backs."

Natasha looked up at him. "On who's order?"

"Director Fury's, ma'am." Peter told them.

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