Finding The Kid

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Stepping inside the odd diner that had always seemed to be in Queens, Tony and the others looked around for somewhere to sit and eat and maybe take a break for a while.

Finally finding a booth, they all sat down before ordering food. Whilst they talked amongst themselves, Natasha spotted a boy, sat in a booth next to them. His back was to them but Natasha could see his hair, slight curles and slightly disheveled.

They must have been sat down for around 10 minutes, listening to Tony and Steve give a small comment or two about how they finally got a break from all the missions they'd been on. Steve was mainly saying that he was glad Fury wasn't ripping his head - or rather their heads off due to something stupid that had happened on a mission.

However, as they were talking, Natasha allowed her mind to drift off, this was a conversation she'd heard alot over the years. But as she did, her eyes landed on the counter, a man, who she guessed to be the owner, he looked down towards his watch, his eyes enlarging as he did so.

"Parker! You're gonna be late."

Suddenly, the boy who Natasha had spotted before, he seemed to be rushing before thanking the man at the counter. The boy, who she took to be Parker, rushed out of the door. However he'd left something behind.

The man who had called him, walked over to the booth he'd been sat in. He shouted after him but he was long gone.

A simple green book had been left in his place. The man flicked through it and tutted. "Everytime."

By Natasha's guess, this Parker kid must leave some kind of book behind each time he's in the diner. "The kid always forgets something."

Before the man walked away with the book, Natasha seemed to have a knee jerk reaction. "Excuse me."

The man paused and turned back to her. "Yes? How may I help?"

"Do you think I could take a look at the kid's book?" She asked.

The man raised an eyebrow. "It's just a science book." He stated.

"No- No, I'm one of his teachers."

After a few moments of deliberation, he finally gave her the book. "Just place it behind the counter before you leave. The kid usually comes here in the morning before school."

Natasha smiled and nodded.

Everyone was confused as the owner walked away after handing Natasha the book.

"What do you want with the kid's book?" Tony asked. "He's a highschooler. What so interesting?"

"What?" Natasha said. "I'm bored of this conversation and the kid might be more intelligent than you, and if it is so, I'm never going to let you live that down."

Tony laughed. "If the kid is more intelligent than me, then you can torment me for as long as you want."

"Are you sure Nat?" Clint asked. "Tony might be right. The kid is only in Highschool."

"You saying you don't want to help me torment Tony?"

Clint shook his head. "Oh, no. I never said anything like that."

Natasha nodded and gave one more smile before opening up the school book. As Natasha continued to look through it, her eyes gazed over a familar equation. As Natasha let out a small, "Ha!" Tony turned to her.


Natasha handed the book over to Bruce who was sat besides Clint and Tony. "Seem familiar?"

As Bruce read it, his jaw dropped before turning into a smirk. "I- I hate to break it to you, but it seems we've found someone who's smarter than you Tony."

Tony shot up, looking over Banner's shoulder, reading the book. "Even you couldn't figure that out straight away." Bruce laughed.

"Wha- How- Impossible!"

Steve chuckled, lifting his glass of soda to his lips with a small tilt of the head. "This is gonna be fun."

The next hour was filled with all the team looking at the kid's book who they found out to go by the name, Peter Parker.

"I wanna meet this kid. Where does he go to school?" Steve asked.

"Why do you want to meet the kid?" Tony asked.

"So I can thank him in person for proving you wrong." Steve smiled.

"I hate you." Tony glared.

Natasha agreed - with Steve, not Tony. "I wanna meet him too."

The other's all seconded that idea. But how? There was no school name on the folder, he wasn't wearing a uniform. All they had was a name and when Tony pulled it up, appartently there were a few Peter's and Parker's all across the US.

"Hold on. He said that the kid comes here every morning before school. Maybe we can thank him then?"

So it was decided. They'd come here in the morning to try and find the kid, however before they left, Natasha placed a small note inside. No-one really knew her handwriting and she didn't place her name, but she slipped the small card inside.

All they had to do now was wait and meet him. Any kid who was smarter than Tony was definatly worth meeting...

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