Family Dinner

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Requested by IzzyWritesThings

Fury had been sat at his desk for the last few hours, just watching as his employees walked and bustled around in a hurry trying to get things done.

However, his gaze seemed to be fixed on one person. His son - his adoptive son.

Fifteen years ago, or so, two agents got into trouble. Two agents who happened to be his best friends in fact.

Mary and Richard Parker had met one another in Shield training, around the same time Fury had joined. All three of them had become inseperable within weeks of knowing one another. Richard even managed to save Fury from a pile of books that had been set by somebody else for someone else.

At their wedding, Fury was even Richard's best man. Everything that they went through, they went through together. Until that day.

Just over 15 years ago, Mary and Richard were sent out on a mission. One they'd been on a thousand times over. One that they could have acomplished within three short days. Except, they'd misjudged the entire mission - Shield, not Mary or Richard. On their flight back, they got attacked. A bomb was set off, killing every single passenger other than the pilot - a HYDRA agent.

The moment Fury got word, he rushed to see their own Director at the time. Everything seemed to just go up in smokes that even over time, Mary and Richard's only living family seemed to die off through either heart break, or the stress of not being able to know. Either way, Fury was the only family their son had left.

Peter had been around age 2 at the time of their death. He'd never really known any different which Fury was sort of glad off, especially since everything that Fury had seen - he never wanted Peter to have known that.

When Carol landed after getting Fury's page, she did worry if something was wrong and came bursting through the doors, but then found a small child in Fury's arms, one that looked like someone she recognised.

"I need your help."

Carol just stood pointing towards the pair, her mouth ready to catch flies. "Ho- Whe- I thought-"

Fury just nodded, "I know what you thought. But I need you help with something else."

Now, fifteen years later, Carol visited more often than not and Fury now had the title...

"Dad? Hey, you in her- Oh, there you are. I like the new office." Peter smiled, pointing towards the view of the window. "Erm, MJ says Coulson is on line 2 and he's saying its urgent."

Fury nodded, tapping together his final papers. "Tell him I'll be there in 20 minutes."

"I know-"

"20 minutes." Fury repeated once more.

Peter nodded before cracking a smile, "There's also one more thing."

Coming from the door, the familar blonde superhero walked through the door, leather jacket and jeans in tow. "Miss me?"

Moving in for a quick hug, something that Fury wouldn't really do but in the past few years Peter's...friendly-ness had seemed to rub off on him.

"How's everything holding up?" Fury asked her.

"Nothing out of the ordianary. Either way, you'll still be the first to know if anything changes." Carol smiled.

Smiling to himself, Peter rocked back and forth on his feet with his hands behind his back. "Well, I'll leave you two to catch up. Oh, before I forget, you're on gravy for dinner tonight."

"When am I supposed to go to the grocercy store?" Carol asked him.

Peter just shrugged with a smile before leaving. Watching him leave, Carol turned back to Fury.

"You raised him well."

"To be honest, I think he did that himself." Fury asnwered, honestly.

"Peter grew up learning from you. I think even if they were still here, they'd be greatful he took after you."

Slowly, Fury turned around and looked out onto the city as memories raced through his mind. Peter's first words, his first steps, the first time he came to him talking about his powers, when he passed and graduated the Shield academy. The first time Peter found out the truth to what actually happened to his parents.

Peter looked at him with nothing but sorrow and...helplessness in his eyes, emotions that Fury had not expected from him. Rather than being angry and disowning him, Peter, he hugged him. Thanked him for everything he'd done for both him and his parents.

Then Fury remembered the first time Peter had brought a girl home. He knew he'd dated a few times but never really told Fury anything about what went on, until MJ. MJ had always been someone Peter had been fond of, and always spoke hightly of, but it wasn't until MJ came in for Peter when he got hurt.

Peter had barley spoke on the mission and hadn't spoke a word on the way back, not even winced in pain. But the moment he heard MJ shout for him, screaming his name when the guards wouldn't let her past, everything changed. Fury could see why Peter always spoke of her the way he did. And when it came to Stark's big gala thing, something that Fury always made sure Hill went to - esspecially if it meant keeping an eye on Peter or, at this point, Tony himself, Fury saw the look in Peter's eyes when he and MJ came rushing back into the lab around 1 in the morning. MJ had helped Peter solve something he'd been working on for months. A reason for the kidnappings.

The only other time Fury had seen a look so...pure and loving, was when Richard looked at Mary. He was practically the spits of him, and as much as he had his father's tendancies, he had Mary's heart. It didn't matter how Mary dressed or how she looked, Richard always had that glow in his eyes. The same look that always radiated from Peter's eyes whenever he looked or spoke about MJ.

When Mary was around 8 months pregnant with Peter, they were all sat around the dinner table, talking about what their son's future would be like. Who he'd look more like, who he'd act more like, if he'd have a thousand friends or just the odd few, and who he'd be with for the rest of his life. And now that had come true.

Fury had seen everything of Peter's life, and now, in less than three months he would be a married man to the woman he loved. The same woman he'd always loved and always would.

Carol stood in front of Fury's desk, looking towards the photo Fury kept on his desk, in front of his computer. One of his family, and another of Peter when he was younger. Placing it back down, Carol looked towards Fury.

"And you've come a long way from the whole 'Fury' calling. And don't try to lie to me, I can see right through you." Carol smiled, standing back and folding her arms.

"Don't you have some gravy granules to pick up?" Fury asked, turning back around.

Laughing to herself before looking towards the floor, Carol made her way out. "Okay, okay. I'll stop pestering you. Also, I think you better get back to Coulson. If he's calling MJ's phone, he clearly needs your help."

But, before Carol clossed the glass door behind her, she turned back around. "Oh, and don't worry. MJ knows about your triangle toast thing. See you later."

And with that, Carol left walking down the hall before heading outside and shooting up towards the sky leaving Fury to his own thoughts. He just hoped he'd done Mary and Richard proud with everything he'd done.

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