Engagment Party

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Peter and MJ are engaged. MJ's parents have a problem with Peter.

MJ and Peter had been together, officially, since they were in their early 20s. Even though they'd known each other since they were 15.

They'd had met back up when on a mission in London, for Shield. A research investigation when they were 19. After that, the rest was history.

Peter had proposed around a year and half ago, except they never really managed to get round to the traditional things such as the engagment party or rehersal dinner, or even the wedding since anytime they went to do something about it, Hill would be calling about another mission that they had to be on.

But, eventually, Tony found out and held one. Making sure that Fury didn't call them in beforehand or after. Allowing them to live their lives more normally, as they should.

Except, there was one problem. MJ's parents seemed to have a problem with Peter.

Peter, even though MJ's her own woman, he didn't want to disrespect her family. So he went to the head of the family, except he wasn't available. So, he went to the next best person. MJ's grandmother.

MJ's grandmother hadn't really seen much of Peter in the past few years, but she always liked them both when they were teens and she was happy enough to say yes.

MJ's grandmother, who she's also named after, only wanted to see MJ happy. And she'd never seen her as happy as she was when she was with Peter. She said it never mattered what others thought. As long as they were both happy, that would be the only thing to ever matter.

So, by the time it came to the engagment party. MJ's parents weren't exactly the happiest about it.

"Am I sweating? I feel like I'm sweating?" Peter asked, pulling at his collar.

"Relax." Peggy smiled, fixing his tie. "You love MJ. And she loves you. And, if they've got a problem, they can come to me about it."

Peggy dusted off Peter's shoulders before hugging him. "I'm happy you're both doing this."

"Thanks, Peg."

The pair turned their heads towards the door a second later as Steve popped his head inside. "You ready?"


"Relax, you'll do fine." Steve smiled.

Peter panicked a bit more, walking towards Steve. "You know, people keep telling me that but I still don't believe it."

Steve gave a chuckle and told Peter where to go. Around an hour ago, Natasha and Peggy had ushered Peter away from MJ to allow her to get dressed. Even though it wasn't something known, the pair wanted each other to be a surprise to one another before the party started. Mainly because they had a feeling that when it came to the wedding, it would more than likely be done by Sam in a court house they were passing since both Fury and Hill had a nack for pulling the pair into mission once they'd planned the wedding.

Sam even got officiated just in case.

As Peter made his way towards MJ's room, he knocked on the door twice before entering. Thankfully, Natasha was chasing down both Bucky and Clint so she wouldn't usher him out.

"MJ? Are you- wow."

MJ appeared from the bathroom, dressed in a floral, close to the floor dress with her hair twisted back slightly. "What?" MJ asked, stopping in her tracks.

"N-Nothing." Peter smiled. "You look- You look really pretty."

MJ paused for a moment. "And therefore I have value?"

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