Is that him?

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It had been a few months since Wanda had started attending Mid Town Tech. She'd gained some friends along the way, Peter slowly became more realxed about her whole crush with Harley once he learnt how bad Clint actually was for worrying.

"Oh yeah, you were right. He really is bad." Peter had told her when they saw Clint freak out over Cooper saying he was thinking of asking out a girl in his class. Thinking. He hadn't actually gone through with it in that moment. All he'd done was think about it, and Clint got worried.

Currently, Wanda was stood at her locker, trying to take out some books whilst placing others in. She had a pop quiz in Science today and was already worring. Peter had taught her everything she needed to know, and she knew it. She didn't really understand it, but she knew it.

But, just as she pulled out one of her books, her art folder went flying and a couple of loose pages fell out of the sketchbook, floating across the floor. She groaned to herself, scooping her hair behind her ears before bending down and picking up the pages. "Not even there and I'm already getting frazzled." Wanda mumbled to herself.

"Oh, here, let me help." She heard a voice say before they bent down, picking up some of the pages. The hall Wanda currently stood in was practically empty since she had a free period.

"Thankyou, but you don't have to."

That was when Wanda stood up, noticing who had helped her. "Harley."

"Hey, Wanda." He smiled. "Here."

Gently, he handed over her work. "It's really good. Better than I could ever do." He said with a stifled laugh. "Who taught you?"

His voice was sincere, not like other people had been when it came to her art work. She wasn't top of her class, but it was still good. Like the ones you'd keep and cherish as you grow old. The ones you'd be able to look back to and think, "I did that."

Wanda turned the pages, placing them on the small pile in her arms whilst she tried to find her voice. "Oh, erh, my - my uncle. Well, not my uncle, but a family friend who's like my uncle."

"It's really good." Harley said again, somehow struggling to find the words himself.

They'd talked a couple of times in lesson or the halls, but it never had been this long. "Well...bye."

Wanda quickly walked back to her locker, keeping her eyes to the ground. Meanwhile, Harley stood, still facing as if Wanda was still infront of him. He closed his eyes, clutching onto his backpack's strap. He closed his eyes, deliberating on what to do. Once he finally came to his decision he quickly turned round before walking over to her locker, standing behind its door.

"Hey, Wanda? I - I was wondering...I - I have." His brain suddenly shut down, a radom thought taking over. "I - I was wondering if you could help me?"

"Wi- With what?" She asked, politly.

"My...My English."

"Your English seems fine to me."

Harley gave a soft smile. "No, with my lesson, English. I heard one of my mate's girlfriend talking about how your top of your class. I'm not the best at it - could - would you be able to help me?"

Wanda felt butterflies in her stomach. "Sure. When would you want to meet up?"

"How - How about Frank's, tonight at 7. I finish my shift at STEM club downtown at 6."

Wanda nodded. "It's a date. Wait! No, not a date, well it is, but not like a date-date - I'm sorry." Wanda shook her head, "Yes, I'll meet you at Frank's at 7."

"Great! Well, I - I'll see you there." Harley smiled with joy, slowly giving a small skip as he walked away.

Not even 30 seconds later, as Wanda closed her locker, she jumped out of fright. "MJ!"

MJ was now stood, leaning againt the locker beside Wanda's, a book in hand as she read it. "Glad he finally asked you out."

"He didn't ask me out. He asked me to help him with his English."

MJ gave a smirk. "Sure. You gonna tell Peter?"

"I have a feeling he already knows." Wanda said, already having a feeling that Peter was listening, tuning his hearing in to try and focus mainly on their conversation.

"Yeah, he does. He's been stood round the corner for the last 5 minutes." MJ told her.

"Hey!" Peter shouted from round the corner. "You sold me out."

"And?" MJ said, pushing herself from the locker.

"And nothing." Peter said, suddenly becoming wearly once more.

Wanda smiled with a small laugh. "He asked me to help him study. We're gonna be at Frank's, and besides, Nat's always there at 7:20 anyway, so if you're that worried, you come down with her. Just don't bring Clint."

"Don't worry. He's a good person, as much as I do love seeing you freak out and get all in a frenzy about him." Peter said, slightly sarcastically since he was still going into over-protective brother mode. "I think you might actually be able to do something as normal as eat out without Sam or Bucky throwing food over your head."

"So you won't tell Clint?" Wanda asked.

"No. No, I won't tell Clint." Peter smiled.

Wanda gave a small run on the spot before hugging Peter. "Thankyou."

"You're welcome." Peter smiled.

"And you're not going to come to the diner with Natasha?" MJ asked.

Peter looked towards her, his arm over Wanda's shoulders. "Don't give her ideas."

Wanda raised her finger, ready to ask the same question. Peter then turned to her. "And don't push your luck, or else I'll be sending alot more people than just birdbrain."

"Okay, fine." Wanda agreed.

At least she'd be able to eat a meal, finally, without having food being thrown over her head...

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