Hydra's Mistake

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Requested by: xlibby_barkerx


Screams ran throughout the entire school building. Hydra was back.

Everything was going perfectly fine for Peter, too perfect.

From the moment he walked into school he knew something was up. Something was going to happen, and not something good.

They had all been sat in History. A lesson Peter enjoyed...mostly. He had learnt alot about the war from Steve and Bucky so he was always read up on the subject. 

The speakers chime came in but then shouting could be heard. And it wasn't all in English.

Peter could make out parts of it, but not alot. 


As Peter's mind connected the dots, as he was about to come to his conclution the door came swinging off its hinges. 

A man dressed in all black, blocked captial letters showing which organisation he was apart of.


MJ and Ned shot a worried look to Peter. As much as they knew Hydra was dead. So why were they back?

The man said something in Russian before waving his gun about and picking up one of the kids, causing everyone else to follow. 

"Hands on head!"

Everyone did as the man said and walked in a straight line towards the gym. What was they planning?

"Peter..." MJ said quietly.

"It'll be okay." He told her, he really wanted to believe his own words.

MJ had been training with Natasha in Shield recently since Natasha had seen something in her when she hung out with Peter. MJ was smart and intelligent. Natasha knew Shield would need someone like her. She also knew how to handle Peter which was a huge help. 

Peter was known for making certain impulses which put him in danger. He'd still do them even if MJ told him not to but he'd be more...cautious?

By the time Hydra had gotten everyone into the gym, most of the students were trying to keep fearful tears back, some were succeeding, others weren't so much.

"What are we gonna do?" Ned asked Peter quickly.

"I don't know. Nat and Steve said they were gone, so what are they doing back?" Peter asked.

"I don't know. Don't look at me." MJ protested as Peter looked between the two.

Kids were being thrown around the place as if they were dead bodies. No-one was dead yet, thankfully.

"Hello! Sudents of Mid Town! Well, isn't this such a delight." One of the Hydra agents smiled.

Peter was fearful. What was they about to do?

"Now I know your all probably wodering, what are we doing here? I'll tell you. Well, one morning I was lay in my bed and I started wondering, how can we provide securitly to the world? And then it hit me. Get rid of the Avengers. Now, I know, that's a very large task to complete, so I thought I'd start with the students of the Avengers. I couldn't just go to just any random highschool, no. I had to find the highschool which students come from and go to work for people like...Tony Stark"

The man continued on the 'powerful' ramble. Peter looked around judging how many agents there were. By the looks of it, there was around 25 agents inside the entire building. God knows how many were waiting outside.

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