Much more than a simple threat.

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By the time they moved on to the next activity, Peter couldn't help but worry about Lila. She could protect herself, that was clear in itself. But he still worried.

Right now, he gathered that Lila would be aiming poisoned arrows into a target, imagining it to be Flash's head.

However, Peter couldn't think for very long since they were soon took into Sparing, where they were able to learn some self defence moves and other things like how to protect yourself from a wild animal, etc.

Whilst, everyone was made to pair up, Peter was sent with Betty to spar together after being taught a couple of moves.

"You shouldn't worry, you know? She'll be perfectly fine. I think it's Flash who we need to worry about." Betty told him.

"Really? Because, I know Lila. She doesn't like bullies whatsoever. I also know how she gets when she gets too far into the zone." Peter told her.

"What do you mean?" Betty questioned.

The pair, whilst having a civil conversation were both throwing punches and a couple of kicks towards one another.

"Do you remember that day when I came to school and you asked me why I had a huge cut across my hand?"

Betty nodded. "Yeah..."

"Well, the day before, I'd been down at the farm. I was walking through the woods, trying to find Li. But, as I was, I had walked by a tree, obviously, but if she hadn't had shouted at the last moment and if my senses hadn't picked up on it. I would have been a dead man. If Lila gets too into the zone, there are very few things to pull her out of it."

That was when Betty looked round, thankfully noticing a boy walking over, a similar look to Lila, clearly her brother.

Apperently, Betty hadn't been the only one to think that maybe Peter needed to go and find Lila.

Cooper, thankfully taking place of Peter, allowed Peter to leave the class and go and search for Lila. The boys had tried to search for her, but they couldn't and the only other person who knew the building better than anyone did, was infact Peter.

Peter ran throughout the halls and tried to search for her. He checked all the main area's. This both included the roof and even the cafeteria until he stopped in the middle of the hall, almost as if a lightbulb had gone off. The only place that Friday wasn't wired into was a large room in the basement. And by basement, this mean below both the filing rooms and the interigation rooms.

Placing in the key, Peter pulled open the door to the filing room, allowing him to go down the few stairs that lead inside. Jogging to the very end of the hall, he opened up another door which allowed him to go down to the interigation room.

From there, he picked up on of the hand-held torches, switching it on before he ran down the hall, placing in his own pin to allow him down a very long, and dusty, spiral set of stairs which he slowly made his way down whilst shining the light down.

By the time he reached the bottom, he shone the torch around before finally finding the final door, placing in the 8 digit pin and pulling the door open.

Pulling a long dusty curtain back, he finally saw a dim light that lit the place up just enough to see.

Lila was stood, shooting arrows into an old wooden board.

"I'm not gonna ask how you got the pins, but I have to say, well done."

Lila didn't look towards him once.

"You about it?" Peter asked, spotting a stool before wiping the dust from the top and sitting down. "No? Okay. Well, I guess I'll just sit here and wait for you to be finished."

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